2023 is almost over but we still have December! And your December horoscope is finally here! Love, luck, wealth, success, abundance, happiness ... see what this month has in store for you. Here are copyallycat's last readings for the year (December 2023) Monthly Horoscope Readings!
2023 is nearing it’s end but this does not mean exciting things will stop heading your way! It’s quite the contrary. Be prepared as there will be many positive heading your way. I do suggest you take some time to figure out how exactly you plan to balance work, family, the holidays and (most importantly) self care. Here’s a heads up. You are nearing a breaking point so I need you to be certain that you have everything under control. Remember, you are the leader of the zodiac which is why you have that urge of being the leader at parties/gatherings. Be careful with your excessive planning as it can lead to more stress. Everything will be worth it at the end. So put just a little bit more of effort and you will be fine. Oh! and listen to some therapeutic playlists because, let’s face it, holiday planning can get stressful.
Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil
You truly are the most stubborn horoscope out of the bunch! You need to take the time to drink more water and start healing your inner body. Remember, you represent the Earth so if life gives you a seed, you must take care of it and give it water. Maintenance is the number one thing you should focus on if you want more doors to open in your life aka opportunities. I see lots of new journeys, love and prosperity heading your way BUT if you don’t take the time to take care of yourself you won’t be ready for when these opportunities come knocking on your door. The Venus sign is always there, signaling you to be just a bit more nurturing. We need to stop with the stubbornness!
Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray
My dear air element … Now is a good time for you to exercise and take your health a bit more serious. I know the big holidays are just around the corner but keep in mind that most holiday foods can be a bit ‘heavy’ which can make you feel sluggish. Just remember to take an hour or two every now and then to eliminate some of those extra calories. By doing so, not only will you be treating your body with respect but your body will thank you and you will be able to enjoy your holidays more. For you December is about planning an altar with an add a bunch of toys, gifts, food, candles, and mystical signs. Your spirit is waiting for you and if you treat it the way you treat your family, they will reward you with lots of gifts. Also, don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Right now is a good time to start your 2024 New Year resolutions. If you start on time, I can see you finding your true soulmate next year!
Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller
Congratulations Cancer! I see you have reached a new level of success and a new high-level of spirituality. For you, December is associated with the number 3 which represents abundance and chunks of money. With that new money you’re making, you should treat yourself. Get yourself some nice snacks and try purchasing warm-toned or gold-toned clothing and accessories. By using warm colored clothes you will be able to stand out more than anyone else and attracts wealth/luck. I feel that for a very long time you guys had to suffer with not being able to express yourself, but the table has turned and now you are in charge.
Recommendation: Sandal Wood Protection Spray
My dear passion lions, I’m glad to see many of you are finding love and peace during this holiday season. As the romance in your zodiac life advances, you will start to feel like you are on top of the world. Be prepared to deal with new people approaching you. Soon you will notice how new people find you attractive and can’t help but compliment you. You will get to shine the way you desire thanks to the fire element being combined with an Aquarius sign. For you, December is the perfect month to pamper yourself and even do those beauty enhancements you’ve been thinking of. Ah, I almost forgot to remind you that as the year comes to an end so will many of your projects. Luckily, those projects will bring you luck and money.
Recommendation: Aphrodite Oil
You represent the most good looking and sexually active sign in the horoscope. Because of this, you have the power to manifest whatever and whoever you desire. I see that for you the magician is here to make sure that you are overcoming any obstacle out in your way and to aid your manifesting abilities. You (along with Leo) will be the center of attention no matter where you step foot in. During this month you can expect many gift exchanges. I’m seeing the number one thing you need to focus on more is personal growth. You keep postponing many projects and you need to stop doing so before the month/year ends. Remember, what you do now will heavily impact how your 2024 goes.
Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil
Your spirit guides are always here for you. Every ay and every night they try to guide you into the right path you need to be in. Your intuition is never wrong. If you feel like your spirit guides are whispering to you, it’s because they are trying to show themselves to you. Right now is the time to listen to them. Don’t turn them away. All they want is what is best for you. You may notice that some people will suddenly exit your life. There is a valid reason that only God knows. Just like the year is about to end, so will many cycles in your life. Take this end of the year as an opportunity to clean and declutter your clothes / any unnecessary items from your home. You need to leave those behind in order to start 2024 in a positive way.
Recommendation: Spiritual Spray
You are well known as the animal that is always biting, This time around the plates have turned and you are the one who is going to be bit by others. It is time to truly analyze your friendships and do some financial planning. What you have right now will no longer work for you. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I see many rejections and perhaps even a break up. Once again, if someone walks out of your life, it is for a valid reason. 2024 is about to start and I am sure you do not want any fake friendships or relationships to follow you. On that same page, be careful who you trust your finances to. You might get tricked if you are not careful with your money. Last but not least, remember to show respect and compassion to others but make sure to not tolerate too much with other’s crap.
Recommendation: Money Roller
I know you guys go hard when it comes to partying during December. It’s fun and all but make sure to also take time to heal and recharge. Throughout this month you will be acting a bit weird. One moment you’ll feel like you are on top of the world. But a second later you’ll find yourself taking a break from everything and everyone. This is totally fine! The way I see it, it is good to enjoy yourself and it’s also good to take the time to put yourself first. Trust me, not many people can do that. Remember, as the fire passion element, you don’t have a single care in the world … and for you that’s okay. Don’t allow anything to bother you because if you do, that thing will bother you for the rest of 2023.
Recommendation: Soothing Spray
You truly are the richest and luckiest horoscope of the year. Just WOW! Not only do I see you being wealthy and with lots of money flowing in your pockets, but I also see you reaching a new level of accomplishment. Allow me to tell you how you can attract more money. Try meditating and affirming yourself everyday. If you do this through this whole month, your financial situation in 2024 will be better than this year. Here’s a little tip, take a bit of time every day and write down what things you are grateful for and use this as a way to leave old things in the past.
Recommendation: Block Buster Oil
Ah, my favorite crazy horoscope. December is the month designed for you to draw the line and set boundaries. You need to let go of those ‘friends’ with toxic traits/behaviors. If you do this, you’ll soon see just how better your life can be. Those are not your friends … they are enemies who feed off of you and your accomplishments. I suggest that throughout this month you burn some bay leaves, onion peels and garlic peels which can attract money and protection to you and your home. If you protect yourself during this month, I can see you having a successful 2024 start. Here’s a little tip, fully accept and love yourself. If you do so, the next people who comes into your life will also love you to the fullest.
Recommendation: Love Roller Spell
Make sure to pack your bags and be ready to do all your traveling rituals! Before December ends, you will find yourself traveling. This can mean traveling anywhere from your neighboring city to a whole new country! This little getaway, will bring you clarity and serve as a reflection period (more so if you travel at night). Just remember to look up at the sky and the stars will illuminate your path. My dear Pisces need to be mindful of their empathy, Take the chance now to get to know yourself and those who you travel a lot with.
Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray
For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions.
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