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  • Monthly Horoscope: June 2023

    Money, success, love, happiness. Wondering what the month of June has in store for you? If so, you are at the right place, Here are copyallycat's June 2023 Monthly Horoscope Reading! Aries: My dear Aries, your monthly horoscope reading of June is you time to sit comfortable on your throne. Throughout the year you have worked all your way to the top and now you are finally able to enjoy it. Take advantage of this success and utilize this time of summer to come up with more ideas that can bring you income for the future. For you, this June is all about abundance, richness, and enjoying the sunlight. Here’s a little tip, during June the fire will cleanse you, so I suggest you go outside and feel the flaring burns of Archangel Metatron. Your time of peace is now! Your lucky number this month is: 46. Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray (protection and gets rid of evil energies) Taurus: For Taurus this month of June is all about spending time alone and analyzing your surroundings a bit more. Before you make any plans, ask yourself “ who would join me in my journey”. This month will show you the true colors of “friendships and quality”. Your Guardian Angel will remind you that sometimes it is okay to walk a lonely path. But don’t worry too much. As some doors close (cycles) others doors (opportunities) will open. Your lucky number this month is: 16 Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil (for spiritual protection) Gemini: If you’ve been dreaming of working with more than just one archangel then this is your time to do so. Michael and Lavender will educate you on how to be more at peace and how to stop holding any grudges. If you know about or (for some reason) still talk to those who wronged you in the past, you will soon find out that they will receive their “karma”. Here’s my little tip, keep in mind that there are many things you need to focus on. So don’t waste your energy on unnecessary things or people. Instead, pay more attention to positive changes, light up a candle every now and then, seek spiritual guidance and try choosing better friends. Also, try to find people who are just as invested in spirituality as you are. This month's lucky number is: 27. Recommendation: Spiritual Spray (third eye awakening) Cancer: I’m calling you out on your monthly horoscope reading! For the love of life, please pick up that call (phone call or email) regarding future opportunities. That opportunity is no coincidence, it is your spirit guide giving you a chance to grow more financially. So don’t ignore them!! They only want to make sure that you are prospering in life and preparing you for what’s to come the month of July. Here’s a little hint, if things happen to get a little complicated just know that it is Archangel Gaia who is planning to educate you. Archangel Gaia just wants you to know that “challenges are also life lessons”. This month of June will bring you lots of new beginnings. Your luck number is: 1. Recommendation: Saint Michael Handmade Soap (protection against evil) Leo: June is your time to prosper to the full extend. This month is all about growth, financial improvements and cutting ties with this memberships you no longer use (streaming platforms, gym, food delivery, etc.) June is a good time to get organized and see what methods work best for you in order to successfully save money. Even if things get a little hectic, remember that Archangel Sandalphone will be right there to accompany you and make sure that you are at peace throughout this month of June. Remember that communication is key. Your lucky number this month is: 33. Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (attracts success) Virgo: Lucky you! Opportunities will be knocking your doors left and right this whole month. I don’t know how to say this but PLEASE do not ignore these opportunities. Take advantage of this moment because they are meant for you to shine. June is your time to get organized and let go of any kind of immature decisions you keep making. It doesn’t matter if it’s regarding work or love; just stop repeating your same mistakes. and just so you know, Archangel Uriel will help you restore your life balance and will help you silence your enemies. Love is the way for everything. Your lucky number is: 6. Recommendation: Academic Spray (helps you concentrate and make better decisions) Libra: Your monthly horoscope reading for June is screaming at you to pack your bags and go on a well deserved vacation. Take this moment to relax and see your family members. They need you to be part of the family just a bit more. Try to utilize this time to form better relationships and strengthen your communication with them. And don’t stress out too much about it as Archangel Gersisa will help you build that spiritual foundation. Try to get creative when it comes to your work. Your lucky number this month is: 3. Recommendation: Back Off Spray (Pushes away fake friends so you can concentrate on those who are important) Scorpio: I can’t believe I get to say this to my Scorpios but those toxic vibes are finally coming off this month. Thank the lord! This is a good time to finally take the advice from Archangel Jeremiel whom will help you learn by making you go through different challenges. What I meant but this is that if you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing, then June is a good time for you to stop. Here’s a little hint. Don’t stress out too much about your finances as things will start to get better. Remember the important of self discipline. You lucky number this month is: 41. Recommendation: Academic Spray (helps you concentrate and make better decisions) Sagittarius: Get yourself together! This month of June is about coming up with a better plan in order to be successful the following month. Hear my little tip for you. You need to stop being so negative. Your negative mentality is not helping you. It is only attracting more negativity and weakening your spiritual gifts. You need to realize that you can only create the life you’ve always wanted if you have a positive mindset. Don’t let this month bring you down! And don’t try to cheat your way out of things. Archangel Zariel is watching you and her will make sure you are following the rules. Let go of your toxic behavior! This month’s lucky number is: 14 Recommendation: Aphrodite Soap (increases self love and positivity aka helps you believe in yourself) Capricorn: Congratulations! June will bring you the money you so much desire. From promotions coming at you left and right to more job opportunities. Your monthly horoscope reading for June says life will allow you to succeed without your enemies even noticing! Now is the perfect time to show you are a strong spiritual individual. Don't overthink your skills too much as Archangel Faith will accompany you to make sure you believe in yourself at all times. Your lucky number this month is: 63. Recommendation: Money Soap (you're already attracting money so why not double it) Aquarius: Your childhood career will now sky-rocket to the next level. Yes, you read that right. Your dreams will soon start becoming a reality. All those ‘failure’ moments you endured were not really a failure but a lesson for you. It was a sign for you to come up with other ideas. Here’s my little tip for you. It doesn’t matter who you’re holding a conversation with, just stay silent about your projects. Jealous people exist everywhere and they hate the idea of someone succeeding. Instead, utilize this time wisely. You are now moving on to better things especially in the financial aspect. Remember that it’s okay to fail. You just have to try again. Your lucky number is: 4. Recommendation: Block Buster Oil (get rid of any obstacles heading your way) Pisces: Lucky you. This month of June is all about the commitments you have worked so hard on finally becoming a long time thing. This means that you cannot back out now. Yes, this will cause you a bunch of stress but that is the purpose of commitment … whether it is having a job, a business, a relationship etc. Despite being the last horoscope, this month of June is all about opening closing old doors and opening new ones. Archangel Raguel will help you solve the majority of your problems so keep going no matter what. Please follow your dreams. Your lucky number this month is: 85. Recommendation: Open Roads Candle Service (helps unblock all types of obstacles and negativity which helps you obtain the job you desire, grab more attraction, and overall bring more opportunities and prosperity).

  • Monthly Horoscope: May 2023

    Have you been wondering what this month has in store for you? Well look no further! You have found the right place. Here are my Horoscope readings for the month of May. As always, by yours truly (copyallycat). Aries: My dear Aries … I hate to be the bearer of bad news but welcome to the toughest moment of your life. But don’t be too disappointed as the month of May will bring you clarity and stability. During this month, all your enemies will come to light and you’ll soon realize who are your real friends are. Here’s a little tip for you. Don’t depend on anyone but yourself. Archangel Jeremiel is testing you to see if you are understanding your challenges. Just think of this month as your healing time. Your lucky number this month: 66 Soap Recommendation: Saint Michael Handmade Soap (protection against evil/enemies) Taurus: My dear bulls I know you are awakening new projects and even new romances! May is the perfect month for you to be happy, to try new things, to go out and to catch up with some friends from your past. Your Archangel Faith is telling me to tell you to not to give up on faith. Remember that without faith you are lost. Here's a little tip, as the mother of nature your oracle cards are telling you to be leader. Yes, be a boss. Be someone who takes charge. I promise you people will look up to you. Lucky number: 81 Spell Recommendation: Glow Me Up Roller (enhance self-love/confidence) Gemini: FINALLY! All your troubles are finally leaving and now you will soon awaken the achievements you were eagerly waiting for. Your May 2023 Horoscope says right now is the perfect month for you. Use this month to show your true colors and be vibrant about everything. Here’s a little tip for you, try to wear more blue and I promise you you’ll be scoring every game. Archangel Raguel is informing you to be fair with everyone. Oh, and let’s not forget to be patient. If you are not patient, you will end up losing many things. You lucky number this month is are: 2 Soap Recommendation: Coconut Soap (for prosperity and good luck) Cancer: The karma that was following you is finally coming to an end *YAYYY*! You have finally paid off your debt so now you can focus on things such as work, money, family, etc. Here’s my tip for you this month, try to go out at night for a walk. The stars are going to help you cleanse yourself. You’ll be surprised by just how much the stars will make you shine again. Think of this as your rebirth — yes, is really a thing. For you, May will also be a time to close some doors and open new ones. Your lucky number this month is: 16 Spell Recommendation: Open Roads Spray (for abundance and good luck) Leo: Omg, Leo this is YOUR vacation time! Now is a good time for you to go on vacation and enjoy some sunlight. Take the month of May as your opportunity to go out. Trust me, you are going to need it. Oh, and guess what? I’m so glad to tell you that your finances will slowly start to improve. Here’s a little recommendation for this month, try to meditate and wear more purple. Doing so will help you with your psychic abilities. Use this for your advantage and you’ll even be able to teach others. Your lucky number is: 63 Spell Recommendation: Spriritual Spray (eliminate obstacles and awaken third eye) Virgo: Play “Money” by Cardi B or something because this month of May is all about MONEY! You read that right, money all month long! During May your financial problems will be leaving and you’ll be able to save for what you need/want. But be careful! Because you still need to be careful with your finances. If you manage to do so, during June you’ll walk out successful and debt free. This month of May is all about spirituality and seeking a spiritual animal who will join you in this journey. Take for example a unicorn. Here’s my little tip for you, this month involves a lot of changes so don’t be too shocked when those changes happen. Your lucky number is: 56 Soap Recommendation: Money Soap (grab attention, bring prosperity) Libra: My Libras, get ready for a battle. For you, this month of May is all about creating structure. I know, not many people will be happy about it but this method is going to help you become successful by the end of June. Even if these changes you implement make others mad or jealous, just ignore them. These changes are for you not for them. And don’t worry too much about the battle I mentioned earlier as Archangel Metatron will make sure you are victorious and rich. Abundance awaits for you this month of May! Your lucky number for May is: 88 Recommendation: Cruz De Caravaca Spiritual Water (Blesses family and attracts wealth) Scorpio: May is a good month for you! This month will bring you happiness along with family reunions! May will bring you the comfort that you seek. All your worries will be leaving and the sunlight will bring you the happiness you deserve. Remember that you are a Scorpio which means you simultaneously represent water and fire. This is why you feel like no one truly understands you. But you know what that’s fine because you don’t need anyone else but yourself. Archangel Raziel is waiting for your wish to come true. Try to pray to him and he will fulfilled it. Your lucky number this May is: 27 Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray (Calm the mind, eliminate black magic ) Sagittarius: May is your time to rest and move on with your life. Make sure to leave everything negative in the past especially the people who fill your life with negativity. Also remember to transition yourself into better things such as peace and love. Archangel Lavender awaits for your prayers. Here’s my hint for you. Please take care of your health because I see you stumbling if you don’t take care. For this month, your lucky number is: 71 Spell Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (attract money, love, win court battles, etc.) Capricorn: Capricorn, May is the perfect time to make some money moves and get a better job. If needed, start that job search before it’s too late! For you, May is all about promotions, making more income, changing jobs, etc. It’s all about finding way to make you more money this month. Archangel Mary wants you to be gentle and have compassion for others. Almost forgot to tell you this but, now that we are almost at the middle of the year, your karma is completed. This month's lucky number: 10 Soap Recommendation: Aphrodite Soap (increase self-love, grab more attention) Aquarius: All Aquarius should be happy that almost middle of the year is gone! Because now is your time to shine! Be rich, do more business proposals and be more stable. Everything positive will be heading your way. It is finally the month you have been looking for so make sure to treasure it! Here’s a little tip, have an open heart. If you do so, you will end this amazing moth in a positive way. Your lucky number this month is : 93 Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic (protects from envy and negative energies) Pisces: My dear pisces, you hard work is finally paying off *YAYYY*. Now you are walking with money bags in each of your hands. Wealth is here and it’s ready for you to save it … or spend it! It’s your choice. Archangel Aurora is now waiting for your new beginnings. Here’s a little tip, try to wear more yellow and pink. You’ll thank me later. This month's lucky number is: 14 Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray (protects from bad energies, improves concentration)

  • Monthly Horoscope: April 2023

    Have you been wondering what this month has in store for you? Well look no further! You have found the right place. Here are my Horoscope readings for the month of April. As always, by yours truly (copyallycat). Aries: The first quarter of 2023 has ended and it is now a great time for you to progress in life. This month of April is all about distancing yourself a bit and trying to understand your own emotions. Here’s my little tip for you thins month. Do not let those who left you back into your life. You are Aries aka the main zodiac sign. You need to be a leader. I hope you finally achieve the financial discipline that you so much desire. This is also the perfect month for you to find your group of people. Yes, I am talking about the group who will always be there for you. Remember to always take a deep breath and learn to forgive instead of just exploding your emotions. Your lucky numbers this month: 1, 6, 96 ProductW Recommendation: White Sage Smudge Stick (for cleansing) Taurus: What a way to start the month! April is all about happiness, surprises, and growth (both in social media and personally). For you, this month of April will be a period of abundance. Besides the beautiful light, there is something much more greater than just good news and that is music. Yes, you read that right! Pay attention to your favorite songs and find the hidden messages for you. Here’s a little tip, remember music can help you manifest your desires. I’d suggest you listen to “Money” by Cardi B! Lucky numbers: 5, 11 , 32 Soap Recommendation: Money Soap Gemini: My dear Geminis. This month of April is the perfect time for making repairs and catching up with pretty much everything. The 8 of pentacles is about budgeting. Here’s a little tip, make sure you put aside enough time and money to put towards your goals. This month of April is all about time, precision, and health. Take this chance to exercise and do some proper dieting! I’m not saying this for physical reasons, it’s more for health purposes. Always take care of yourself. You lucky numbers are: 8, 71 Product Recommendation: Siete Machos Cologne (for spiritual guidance) Cancer: Buckle up because this month of April is all about tremendous energies and overloads of work. You got The Devil tarot card which is related to more money BUT with the appropriate precautions. Here’s my little tip for you, be careful with your surroundings. I hate to be the one to tell you this but not everyone who is near you is your friend. From the darkened lurks evil and lots of envy. Especially for someone as precious as you are. Your lucky numbers this month are: 1, 6, 9 Soap Recommendation: Saint Michael Soap Leo: Leo April is screaming “Shine bright like a diamond”! This month is your time to shine and bring in that money your’ve been working for. April is all about business, money, completion, marriage and more work. This month is also about spending time with your family and children (if you have any). Your family needs you to nourish them to the same level as you. Your oracle card this month is about adventure. It is your time to go out and enjoy new journeys. Go out, have fun and remember to always be careful! This month’s lucky numbers are: 5, 10, 19 Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Virgo: Dear Virgo, if you have been postponing a project, you need to stop and finish it this month. April for you is all about hard work and completion. This month is also your time to finally commit to your studies/work. Here’s a little tip, make sure to always keep you physical health in check! Get up, exercise and go back to work … that needs to be your motto this month. Your lucky numbers: 4, 7, 67 Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray Libra: Dear Libras, your spiritual awakening awaits. This April is all about connecting with the divine light. Make sure to pay attention to all spiritual beings and most importantly, have patience. Time and strategy are your friends. By the last day of the month, you should feel rewarded for completion this journey. Your lucky numbers for March are: 2, 9, 11 Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Spray (aka Third Eye Awakening) Scorpio: My Scorpios, great news for you! This month is all about choices and commitments being at your favor. Your desires, goals and the things you dream of will soon be turning into a reality. Here’s a little tip for you, don’t allow anything to distract you. Oh, and remember that in order to be successful you need to achieve your goals by yourself. We both know just how strong you intuition is, use it for your advantage. Your lucky numbers: 2, 4, 11 Spell Recommendation: Siete Machos Cologne (for emotional guidance) Sagittarius: April = Your plane ticket! Your horoscope for this month is all about traveling and stepping out of your comfort zone. Yes, this literally means you will be physically traveling to new places *Yayyy!* Make sure to enjoy Mother Nature while you’re out. Try enjoying long walks at the park since those walks will help you renew your energies. This months lucky numbers: 3, 8, 44 Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Capricorn: Capricorn, it is your time to build a strong bond with your family and friends. Just like you need them, they also need you. You know that sometimes, they need stability and structure on how to be a family. My tip for you is that love is your key term for this month of April. Try to show love towards everyone … even your enemies. Your lucky numbers: 4, 6, 13 Product Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Sage (for cleansing purposes) Aquarius: My Aquarius, it is finally time for exposures and the truth to see the light of day. Allow this month to bring you stability and improve your budgeting. Here’s my tip for you, don’t allow this month to bring you down. Whatever comes your way, take it as an opportunity to fix your previous mistakes. By the end of the month there will be happiness and large gatherings. And let me just tell you that lots of new beginnings await you. April' lucky numbers for you: 1, 4 Spell Recommendation: Justice & Balance Spray Pisces: This is your month for COMMUNICATION. It is also a great month for you to rekindle relationships. This month is all about “love” and finding ways to feel complete once again. Remember that April is about manifestation. You manifest what you desire and it will be fulfilled for the next few years. Here are you lucky numbers: 2, 8 Soap Recommendation: Aphrodite Soap

  • Monthly Horoscope: March 2023

    How is it that we are already in the middle of March?! Have you been wondering what the rest of this month has in store for you? Well look no further! You have found the right place. Here are my Horoscope readings for the remainder of this month. As always, by yours truly (copyallycat). Aries: Buckle up because the remainder of this month will bring you nothing but disasters. Losses from left to right. Madness and chaos regarding work or family. Unfortunately, you will not be able to dodge this during March. This is a tower moment for you. This means you need to adapt to these changes ASAP. Luckily, March will also be a resting period so take a break while you still can. If you are in any type of toxic relationship, this is the month for you to get away. And before I forget, do not worry about your money because it will definitely come in strong. Your lucky numbers this month: 16, 13, 32 Service Recommendation: copyallycat's Rompe Bloques Candle Work Taurus: You lucky one! March is YOUR month! This spring break will bring you abundance, good news, progress, and prosperity. Here’s a friendly reminder, you need to find balance in your love life, family relations, and money expenditures etc. March has been a good beginning for you. There will continue to be a lot of progress, doors will be closing but even more will be opening. Oh, and do not forget to let go of attachments and toxic people. Lucky numbers: 88, 14 , 26 Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Gemini: Say hello to new projects! The remainder of this month will bring you new opportunities filled good luck. March is the month for you to shine bright and finish up any project you may be working on. This includes education, career wise, work, etc. Here’s a little tip. Try to wear a more yellow as it will help attract spiritual divine power. And let’s not forget to have more faith! This is your time to show off your skills. Best of luck! You lucky numbers are: 19, 5, 61 Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray Cancer: For the sake of your well-being … Let's move on! If you have been wanting to travel do it once and for all. Remember you have to be like a crab. Swim off shore and enjoy mother nature every once in a while. This is the perfect way to renew yourself and be you again. I know things have been bumpy in terms of work but one thing is for sure, you cannot allow this negativity to consume you. Just be patient. You will find your paradise by April. Your lucky numbers this month are: 63, 1, 4 Soap Recommendation: 7 Machos Soap Leo: My dear lions … it is now time for business proposals, success, traveling and commitments. You said goodbye to your troubles in February. Now your main focus is to be the best and become number one. The remainder of March will be filled with victories and achievements. My only tip for you is to remember to get plenty of rest. I know you are a bit delicate in your knees and we don’t want any more problems. This month’s lucky numbers are: 85, 74, 9 Soap Recommendation: Coconut Soap Virgo: I know there are many things you want to buy but it is time to save your money (and time). I hate to be the one to deliver these news but this month is all about having patience. Despite the new projects in your life, things will a bit a slow for you in regards to work and money. On the bright side, there will be lots of happiness and new relationships. So March is not all bad for you. And do not worry too much! April will definitely be better for you. Your lucky numbers: 32, 46, 77 Service Recommendation: Money Drawing Candle Libra: It is FINALLY your time to catch a break. The remainder of this March is all about catching up with your bills, paying off outstanding debt and catching up with work. See this as a blessing. And before I forget, let me remind you that right now is the perfect time for improvements. Remove or throw away any unnecessary items from your home and make new ones. We don’t want you to hold on to any negative energies from the past. Your lucky numbers for March are: 56, 78, 93 Spell Recommendation: Healing And Cleansing Candle Scorpio: STOP! Do not give up on your goals! You are almost there so why give up now? This is your sign to not give up. Oh! And remember you need to make room for new ideas because the not all of the ones you have are good. In order to be successful you must have patience, make a strategy and always protect yourself with a backup plan. Your enemies are doing their best to bring you down to their level … be careful to not fall for their tricks. Your lucky numbers: 57, 67, 27 Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Sagittarius: You made it to the third month of the year. Your time for big changes and luck has finally arrived. During this month of March you can expect to receive lots of opportunities, blessings, and even wealth. And guess what? You deserved every ounce of that happiness! My only tip for you this month is to make sure to keep your emotions in check. Yes, we all know how angry you can get. This months lucky numbers: 91, 22, 37 Spell Recommendation: Good Luck Spray Capricorn: March is your month to renew yourself and your finances. You read that correctly. This month is all about getting organized with your money, bank and work. Here’s my little tip for you. Do NOT be afraid to make changes. See this as a way to renew your energies. Also, this month also includes letting go of attachments from the past such as exes and old friends. Your lucky numbers: 41, 6, 10 Soap Recommendation: Money Soap Aquarius: LUCKY YOU! Make room for new finances, opportunities, tremendous positive energies, success and victories. All that bad luck that was stuck to you is finally gone. Now you are left with luxury, you are closer to your dream lifestyles and have love in life. You deserved all the happiness in the world. All I can say is to be careful with headaches. These energies may be a little too strong. March’s lucky numbers for you: 55, 96, 87 Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray Pisces: I know it’s hard but PLEASE get away from bad friends. I’m saying this for your own sake. Again this month is about realizing who your real friends are and who just need something from you. Besides letting go of bad people, you will be receiving good news in regards to work and finances. So no more laziness or excuses! Here are you lucky numbers: 16, 88, 5 Talisman Recommendation: San Benito Home Talisman

  • Witch Spells To Help Your Love Life

    Are you ready to be in a new relationship? Do you want to move on from a past lover? Do you wish to bring back a past lover? Or maybe you just want to love yourself more. Whatever your wish may be, copyallycat has the solution for you! Here are five witch spells to help improve your love life. Love Roller Spell: Created using Rose Petals, Rose Oil and a unique mix of herbs, the “Love Roller Spell” is perfect for everyone regardless of whether or not the user is in a romantic relationship. The “Love Roller Spell” is a spell that lets you see progress in romance by causing small changes here and there until the ultimate goal is reached. For users who are currently in a relationship, the “Love Roller Spell” helps increase the romance in said relationship. Meanwhile, for users who do not have a significant other, the “Love Roller Spell” helps them attract new individuals and even past lovers! If the ultimate goal is to increase self love rather than love in a relationship, the “Love Roller Spell” will also work by helping them have a more positive attitude towards themselves. The "Love Roller Spell' is currently only available in our combo option here. Aphrodite Oil: Made from organic essential oils and a variety of flower petals, the “Aphrodite Oil” is a carefully crafted triple love spell. You read that right, TRIPLE. This makes the “Aphrodite Oil” perfect for those wishing to increase the romance in their life ASAP. If you want to attract potential lovers or an ex lover then "Aphrodite Oil Spell" is right for you. Get it here. If you’re not a fan of oil products, but still wish to try out this spell, we highly recommend checking out our “Aphrodite Soap”. Does the exact same thing but comes as a soap! Dominance Roller Spell: Made from rose petals, rose oil, and a unique blend of herbs, the “Dominance Roller” was carefully crafted to aid relationship. For this spell, relationships are not limited to romantic relationships. It also helps with friendships, coworkers relations and even family relations. This powerful spell is perfect to lead any type of relations towards a positive direction. This means anywhere from building trust to respecting each other and from enjoying each others company to supporting each others goals. You goal is what truly dictates what the “Dominance Spell” does. Check it out here. Glow Me Up: Let the best version of yourself shine with the help of "Glow Me Up Roller Spell"! This life changing spell was created using essential oils and bergamot. This carefully crafted spells was made to enhance self love and balance your hormones/chakra. If you are currently on a diet or are starting a new exercise routine, you will be able to see your work pay off. For those who are currently seeking medical help for fertility concerns, "Glow Me Up" will help align certain hormones and ultimately enhance fertility. Nonetheless, if you simply want a boost of self love, this is the spell for you! Get it today right here. We all need to love ourselves and be comfortable with ourselves in order to successfully love and receive love from someone else. The “Glow Me Up" Roller Spell does not work on its own! This is an enhancement spell. In other words, it will work best if you put in the necessary effort. Amarre | Love Spell Candle Work: This is one of the strongest and most effective spells you can choose from. This service takes approximately two weeks to be completed and it is perfect for anyone who is looking to increase the love, strength and a more positive relationship. This is completely and online service making it perfect for anyone who is afraid of getting caught doing "witchcraft". You can read more details and the full process of the service here or schedule an amarre today. For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • 2023 New Year Horoscopes

    Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023! Have you been wondering what this new year has in store for you? Well look no further! You have found the right place. I officially present to you my 2023 New Year Horoscope readings! By yours truly (copyallycat). Aries: You are the god of war and changes! 2023 is about movements, overcoming insomnia and lots of celebration. This year will fill you with good news and lots of (positive) changes. In 2023 you can expect to purchase a new house, win your court trials, job promotions, job changes & and even form strong connections with those high above. New year, new you! This 2023 year I need you to have a lot of confidence in yourself and finally follow your dreams. Manifestation is at the palm of your hand. If you truly believe that a sudden money flow will come your way, it will definitely happen! In the process of manifestation you must know how to release pain and release those negative thoughts. In 2023 you will encounter new important people who will introduce you to big projects and potential fame. Here's a little hint: Try to wear a bit more yellow this year since yellow is the color that will bring you all the good luck you want. Oh! and remember to adapt to changes. This year changes are a positive thing for you. Your archangel for this year is Preminilek and your lucky numbers are 39, 2, and 24. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Taurus: Taurus, the mother of all four legged creatures ... 2023 is your time to shine! 2023 has a lot of things stored for you from good luck to more money flow and from new job offers to new life cycles. I even see a lot of traveling for you this new year. You worked so hard last year so this year you can expect new “partnerships”. Try to work with more people and doing so will grand you lots of love and success. Your archangel Lavender suggests you forgive any enemies you have. She will help calm them down for you so you shouldn't spend your energy on them. Do take the needed time to heal, forgive and move forward. Here's a friendly reminder ... “stop being so stubborn!” I need you to get with the program. Here are your lucky numbers for this 2023: 25, 47, and 16. Use them to calculate success! Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray Gemini: 2023 is the perfect time for good luck and new partnerships. This year will bring you “independence” and tremendous energies from the sun. All year long you will notice changes that will benefit you and your element. Here's a little hint ... do NOT procrastinate when transitioning or going through any changes. Gemini is an air element so I suggest you all take 2023 as the time to try new adventures or challenges. You need to learn to be okay with yourself and pray often. For this 2023, you definitely need to come up with a routine. Your archangel Gersisa recommends you meditate more and draw in more energy from the planets. Your lucky numbers for this year are 6, 42, and 35. Spell Recommendation: Glow Me Up Roller Cancer: *insert DAMMMM audio* Cancer you will have a fabulous year full of abundance and job offers. Your energies this year will be at their highest peek along with those from any Aquarius. Be careful with what you wish for as whatever you manifest will come true. In other words, try to only think about positive things. During this 2023, try to have more control of your finances. Try not to overspend! Your creative mind will definitely lead you to the right path. Here's a little friendly reminder ... this will be the year you have to take care of your health both mentally and spiritually. Your spiritual gifts will allow you to teach others to be just like you. More specifically, Archangel Jophiel will be the one who allows you to share your wisdom. With that being said, try to wear more yellow this year. And before I forget, your Lucky numbers this year are 29, 48, 18 and 36. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Leo: This 2023 is your lucky year! This year will be filled with positive movements & journeys. It is your time to shine and to awaken your 3rd eye gift. Here's an honest tip. Try to be more discreet with your ideas and do not overshare. You have some envious people around you who do not wish to see you succeed. Money is definitely on your side this year. Not only will you awaken abundance but also a high recognition at your job from your peers. During 2023 Archangel Michael will accompany you to make sure you are victorious. Meanwhile, Archagenl Fhelyai wants you to connect with the spiritual animal “lion” and learn / understand that you need to have more courage. Remember that it is okay to have failures. Just don't let it get the best out of you. You must also always take accountability for your own actions. These will be your lucky numbers for 2023: 19, 14, and 28. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Spell Virgo: 2023 will bring you excitements from all the places you can imagine. You will be meeting new people who will become important for you for the rest of your life. In 2023 I see you walking a rather lonely path but simultaneously always having someone next to you. During 2023 there will be a tremendous energy accompanying you which will help you win every outcome. Archangel Zadkiel will travel with you all year long. He will make sure you travel all year long and are able to meet and connect new people. Here's a little tip for you ... try wearing some violet or purple colors this year. Oh! Archangel Zadkiel will also be getting rid of unnecessary people in your life so you may start to notice certain individuals distancing from you. This year, your lucky numbers are 49,39, and 31. Spell Recommendation: Aphrodite Oil Libra: 2023 is THE YEAR for marriage and job proposals. This is a good year to bring you the love and happiness you have been wanting to get. I see multiple family reunions and lots of extra work throughout 2023. For those who have their own small business, there will be lots of positive offers that will help your business expand. Remember to always be careful and not overshare your plans and ideas with your coworkers or friends. During 2023 Archangel Uriel will be by your side to remind you to have more balance and to help you focus on other things besides your emotions. Your lucky numbers this year are 49, 39, 31. Spell Recommendation: Good Luck Spray Scorpio: You better be ready for a big challenge this 2023. But do not worry as this challenge will be accompanied by a good amount of money. Needless to say, 2023 will start off a bit bumpy for Scorpios. Take this time to realize who your true friends are. Do follow your intuition as it will help you figure out situations before you get into them. I see lots of pregnancy out there so allow me to send my congratulations a bit early! 2023 is a good year to stop multitasking and to focus in one area. Remember to take your mental health more serious! I can see you always leave your mental health as an afterthought when it should be priority. This year Archangel Hope will be next to you to grant you your desires. Your lucky numbers this 2023 are 33, 5 , and 16. Spell Recommendation: Baby Combo Sagittarius: *Insert money dropping audio* Money money and more money all year long! This 2023 will be filled with lots of opportunities and teamwork for sagittarius. You are all about money so take advantage of the beautiful energy this 2023 is bring in. Doing so will help you get out of debt sooner. For those of you who are debating on whether or not you should switch your job, the answer is YES! During this 2023, Archangel Raphael will be by your side to grant you health and better finances. This 2023 you better shine bright like a diamond and avoid any negative thoughts. Try to work together with other people and most importantly ... stop avoiding people who truly care for you. Here's a little tip for you. You can renew your energies by going for long walks at the beach. Allow the fire and water elements bring you the peace you have been seeking. Your lucky numbers are 30, 11, 9. Spell Recommendation: Holy Trinity Combo Capricorn: You Capricorns are truly God's favorite horoscope in this universe. Let's just say that this 2023 you will find the true love of your life! Ironically, you may also find yourself walking a rather lonely path. But do not see this in a negative light. Instead, see it as a learning lesson and start figuring out how you can be more independent. Your 2023 will be filled with lots of celebrations and parties. Nonetheless, you must remember to be a bit discreet. This year, Archangel Sammael will bring you light, strong energies and basically whatever you wish for. Your lucky numbers are 35, 20, 6. Try to use these numbers when playing the lottery! Spell Recommendation: Back-off Spray Aquarius: *low key my favorite sign (iykyk)* 2023 is you year to shine and overcome any obstacles that cross your path. The 'Star Tarot Card' will help you every step of the way this year. There will be victories, success, weddings, high paying jobs, contracts and positive news in regards to your investments. In other words, all of your hard work will finally pay off. Make sure to read carefully before signing any documents, especially when purchasing large items. And please do not overwork yourself or try to juggle too many tasks at once! This 2023 you must be a little more selfish and try to not overshare your wealth with others! This year, the Six of Pentacles will be by your side to help you self-control your finances. 2023 will be the year when your creativity is at its highest. So make sure to carry around a journal at all times! This year is all about communication and patience along with letting go of attachments. Your love life this year will be at its peak. For those of you who are single, you will find yourself being most compatible with Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpios. Here's a little tip ... do NOT open any wounds from exes. This year is about purifying your life with love. Archangel Amethyst will follow you all year long. Oh! and try to wear more purple since it’s a mystical color that will help you with your intuition. This year your lucky numbers are 31, 4, and 17. Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray Pisces: I know 2022 was a long battle for you. But do not worry! During 2023 you will hear the news you have been hoping for! Many people will be getting their green cards. Lots of love (and gifts) will be entering your life along with the luck you have been desiring. During 2023 try to spend more time with your family. This year, Archangel Christine will be by your side and act as a guide light through the many roads you will take. 2023 is a good year to follow your intuition a bit more. Your archangel wants you to ground yourself and be more mindful about the universe. Your lucky numbers during this year are 22, 41, and 1. Spell Recommendation: Open Roads Spray Thank you all for an overall amazing 2022! I'm sure we all had our ups and downs but regardless of those moments of difficulty, we find ourselves in 2023. I sincerely wish each and everyone of you the best this upcoming year! If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. Once again ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • What is an Amarre? What does it do and who needs it?

    If you find yourself reading this, its probably because somewhere you heard someone talk about a thing called "Amarre”. Now you may be asking yourself what is an Amarre? Where can I buy an Amarre? What do I need to get an Amarre done? If so, you have come to the right place. What is an Amarre? An Amarre, also known as a love spell candle work, is the perfect solution for anyone looking to increase the love, strength and overall positivity in a relationship. Often times when people hear the word 'relationship' they immediately assume these services are limited to romantic relationship. Contrary to popular belief, these type of candle work services are meant to strengthen all kinds of relationships including friendship and even family relations. What do I need in order to get an Amarre / Love Spell Candle Work? There are three main things needed in order to successfully complete an Amarre / Love Spell Candle Work. 1. The first thing you will need is both you and the other party's full name. 2. You will also need to let the person performing the work know what is it that your heart truly desires. This could mean a stronger relationship, a marriage proposal, better communication or even bring back a person that left you or is cheating on you. 3. And last, but not least, you will need photos that contain both your face and the other party's face. In order for this service to work the best, we are looking for photos without any filters, color correction, etc. In other words, you will need to have a photo with just the raw beauty of the relationship. Most importantly, for those who are looking to get this candle work, it is important to note the pictures must be taken between 30 to 60 days prior to the service requested. How will I know that my candle service is taking place? At copyallycat we prioritize communication with our clients. The way we work is, you can go here and schedule any of our candle work services. In this case, you can schedule you Amarre here. After we receive your service request, someone from our team will contact you directly via the email you provided at checkout. Here’s a little tip use a reliable email when checking out! We need a reliable email where we can ask for pictures and any additional details that may be needed. Please note that when our team contacts you, there will be no additional payment necessary. After we receive your photos, it is safe to assume we have started your Amarre. When will I know that my candle service is done? A candle service is one of those services were patience is needed from both the client and the person performing the service. An Amarre takes multiple days to complete because it takes more than one day for the candles used to completely burn out. In fact , for some clients, this service takes almost 2 weeks. This time frame depends on variables such as how many orders we have, how fast you reply to our emails, how fast your candle burns, etc. If you happen to have any questions during your service, you can message us on our site and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will contact you when the whole service has been completed. You can expect to receive a spell completed update, accompanied by photos directly to the phone number you provided at checkout. Just like with the email your provide, please make sure to use a reliable phone number when checking out. What if an Amarre / Love Spell Candle Work Service is not available? No need to worry! We recommend checking our website or our social media accounts (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) on a daily basis to be the first to know about any updates. If you want try something before our Amarres, you can find multiple love spells on our website. They are each unique in their own way but ultimately help you overcome different love obstacles you may have. You may want to try our iconic "Love Roller Spell", our new best-seller "Aphrodite Oil", our "Aphrodite Soap" which is one of our newest products or try all three with our "Lust Combo". So don’t be afraid to check out our online shop which is always open! Have you heard of amarres? If so, have you ever tried or wanted to try getting one? Let us know in the comments!

  • 2022 Holiday Horoscopes

    Aries: Holiday season is around the corner and it’s definitely a good time for Aries to take a break and rest. Take this season as an opportunity to simply sleep-in and renew your energies. I do have one warning for Aries. This week will be a week about ‘drama’. So if you have anything to say, please make sure to speak your mind at the dinner table. I am just warning you that at least one of your family members is there to pick a fight. Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray Taurus: Good news for Taurus! This week will be a good week to spend time with your loved ones. I see nothing but positive things. From communication to romances and from healing sessions to overall positive changes. As far as finances, there is definitely room for projects in the upcoming month of December. Now is the perfect time for Taurus to save a lot of money before the year ends. My only warning would be to remember that whatever you do this month will affect you significantly in month of February of next year. Spell Recommendation: Money Roller Gemini: Gemini it is your time to shine! This week will involve a lot of preparations and adjustments. To those dealing will court battles, I see positive news heading your way soon. This week will also bring lots of stability so please do not stress too much! Also, this is your time to have a glow up moment followed by a lot of happiness. I can see a lot of family reunions with members from your mom’s side of the family. Spell Recommendation: Glow Me Up Roller Cancer: Good news. Your wishes are coming true! Yay!! You will soon notice a lot of opportunities coming your way. Try to be a bit more calm as these opportunities may be overwhelming. Try to be careful when analyzing situations and try to think from different angles/perspectives. For this holiday season shopping try to be more prudent. Make sure to only purchased the things you need. If you don’t need it, then don’t buy it. It is time to save some money since money will be tight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray Leo: I know your head is full of ideas and plans but don’t overdo it. Don’t fill your plate trying to do all the cooking and decorations for these holidays. Ask people for help when you need it! Also, try to rest a bit because you will be needing a lot of energy next month. There is definitely room for changes that may have a great impact in your time so you may need to put some ideas off until next year. Spell Recommendation: Holy Trinity Combo Virgo: You are full of chaotic energy! Try to use that exact chaotic energy to manifest power and success for yourself. We will be having a new moon this week. Use it to your advantage! You definitely want to end this year in a strong manner so that next year can be an even better one. There are many good opportunities heading your way so don’t stress out too much. Also, please try spending more time with your mother. She definitely needs your presence/company. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Libra: Just this week to get yourself organized. Either declutter or stop yourself from cluttering your home and your work space! Also, please be wary when it comes to your belongings. I do see that this week may be a bit tough for you but at the same time it is a good week to know what the “chisme” is all about. For those having financial problems, don’t stress too much. Whatever problem you are having with your finances will soon come to an end. You are currently being taught a lesson for not keeping an eye on your bank account. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Scorpio: You are finally having good week to spend time with your family. Make sure to use this week to renew your energies by going out. And remember to eat and sleep! Once this week is over there will be a very huge opportunity heading your way. Something similar to a project for prosperity. I am letting you know right know that whatever decisions you make in terms of your career will benefit you in the long run. With that being said, congratulations in advance! Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray Sagittarius: Get up and finish the fight your family started. You guys will have a tough week but in a good way. This week is about expressions and arguments. So please make sure to put your cousin in place for talking so much sh*t throughout this whole year. The energies are strong but now will be a good time to speak your mind at the dinner table. Spell Recommendation: Success Roller Capricorn: What a good week to close cycles between you and family members. Now that you know your family isn’t the best place for you, use this time to keep your mind at peace. Use this time to finally stay away from battles where you don’t belong. Don’t forget the most important thing right now is to focus on yourself and only on yourself! Spell Recommendation: Aphrodite Soap Aquarius: This week is about sharing power and not allowing anyone to take advantage of your kindness. Business is business. What I am trying to say is that if the business is yours, then keep it yours. I can see you are a generous person but you can’t simply help everyone. For Aquarius dating other Aquarius, use your mind as a weapon. Good opportunities are heading your way especially if work for the things you want. And one more thing, don’t allow anyone to step on your boundaries. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Pisces: It is finally your week to see daylight. Whatever problems you were dealing with will finally end this weekend. Just want and see how you walk out victorious from a war. Don’t forget to always be on the lookout as a huge opportunity to work a job with better pay is heading your way. You will notice your love life blossom and soon you will be given the biggest news of your life. As the last horoscope of the zodiac, you are ending the year with lots of positivity. Congratulations! Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray

  • Money Spells: What Are They And Do They Work?

    If you are here is probably because somewhere you hear someone talk about a thing called “Money Spell”. Now you may be asking yourself what is a Money Spell? Where can I buy a Money Spell? And most importantly, do Money Spells actually work? If so, you have come to the right place. What Is A Money Spell? Do I Need One? Do you feel like your bank account isn’t the way you want it to be? Do you seem to be missing money? Or do you set money apart but sooner than later find yourself needing it. If so, it is time for a Money Spell. So What is a Money Spell? The answer may be simpler than you thought. First off, it is important to know that a person’s money flow goes hand in hand with the energies found around them. In other words, when you find yourself missing money, that is because the energies around your are unbalanced. This is when a Money Spell comes in to play. Money Spells are carefully crafted around the idea of helping align the energies around the wearer or user in order for the amount of money they want to be in available to them. Where Can I Get A Money Spell? Hearing about a Money Spell for the first time can feel like a lot of information. Especially because Money Spells come in different forms. Some of them come as perfumes, some as sprays and some as candle services. Nonetheless, we have to admit our favorite is copyallycat’s “Money Spell” which is available here and here. Is There Anything I Need To Do For A Money Spell To Work? Before purchasing a Money Spell, there are a few important things the user must keep in mind. If you tend to speak with a negative connotation, you have to stop. Don’t say things such as “I’m trying but I’m not getting anywhere” instead say “I am trying my best at my own pace”. You have to have faith not only in yourself but also in the person who is making the Money Spell. Last but certainly not least, you must understand that you cannot rush magic. Patience is key! As we previously mentioned, the energies around you play a huge role when it comes to your life balance. You have to understand that your surroundings, including your friends, family and neighbors ultimately do affect you. Envy is one of the main things that triggers and causes the energies around you to loose balance. At this point you now have a better understanding of what a Money Spell is, how it works and how to know if you need one. You may also be wondering if it is possible to enhance the strength of a Money Spell. Luckily for you, the answer is simple: Yes! Naturally a Money Spell will work faster on someone who does not have many negative people around them but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used by everyone. Even if you feel or suspect that you may have many negative energies, there are also spells that can help get rid of negative people. Take for example: Goodbye Black Magic Spray and Back Off Spray. What Is copyallycat’s Money Spell? copyallycat’s Money Spell is not only one of the companies best sellers, but is also one with multiple reviews. copyallycat’s Money Spell is made with essential oils, mixed organic herbs and a hint of alcohol. Alondra, better known as copyallycat, describes her Money Spell as a carefully designed product crafted to attract monetary abundance, open roads and bring good luck to the wearer. In other words, not only will this Money Spell attract money, but it will also attract positive energies and vibes. All of these positive changes allows important people to notice you and ultimately gives you more life/work opportunities. Multiple customers have even left reviews crediting copyallycat’s Money Spell for their casinos and bingo lottery game victories. See images below for reviews! How Do I Use My Money Spell? The best part of copyallycat’s Money Spell is that it comes ready to be used. The instructions are as follow: Apply the Money Spell Roller on your wrist and or on your neck. For better efficiency use it two times every day. Because the Money Spell Roller is very strong, you can only combine it with one other copyallycat roller spell. If you have four roller spells that you want to use, you can alternate between those four roller spells in one day. If you also have copyallycat spray spells, you can combine your Money Spell Roller with as many spray spills as you wish. When Will I See Results? The million dollar question is finally here. As previously mentioned, everything depends on the Money Spell wearer and on their surroundings. Everyone is different. Some wearers see results as soon as a few days into using the spell but for others it can take up to several weeks or months. How Fast Can I Get My Money Spell? Today is your lucky day because copyallycat just restocked her Money Spells! Because copyallycat’s Money Spells are made with seasonal ingredients, the product is not always readily available as a single roller. Sometimes it is only available through combos. For all product orders, copyallycat usually takes two to three weeks to complete a delivery. Orders may take longer to be delivered during periods of high order volume or holidays. If you ever have questions regarding your order, you can always message the copyallycat customer service team here or through the chat button found on the bottom right of the shop website.

  • Monthly Horoscope: November 2022

    Aries: What a beautiful month for positive changes, new projects, new friendships, new everything, etc. If you have been waiting for any job promotions, it is finally coming! (So don’t stress too much about it.) You will get what you desire. As a friendly reminder, watch out when it comes to your attitude. Trust me, this is not the month you want to make new enemies. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Taurus: You will be getting your prayers answered real soon. November is all about meditating, strategizing and walking out victorious from a war. However, you must know your limits. You must know that you cannot allow anyone to walk the same path as you. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Gemini: This month is about learning to never go back to toxic relationships or environments. November will test you to see if you have learned your lesson. The energies will be strong and chaotic meaning be prepared for a long 30 day battle. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Cancer: It is time to patch things up with your family members. No matter what situation you dealt with, it is time to forgive. Even if they are the ones who did you “wrong”. As a human, we all make mistakes. The key term for this month is “patience’ and “forgiveness”. Oh! And light up a blue candle for Saint Michael every Sunday. He will help you overcome the obstacles you are currently dealing with. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Leo: November is all about spiritual journey and having a bumpy month full of bad energies. This month is about “testing your skills” and “having weird dreams”. For those who were having bad luck with love it will soon resolve on its own. That’s just how the universe works. Meditate if you need too. Maybe even try some breathing exercises. Spell Recommendation: Love Roller Virgo: You are NOT done yet! This month is about twist and turns (and life will bring in some money). November is about closing doors and learning to leave everything in the past. I promise you that if you leave everything behind, it wont follow you on the year of 2023. Spell Recommendation: Good Luck Spray Libra: Your financial problems is finally ending this month. November is about repairing your finances and not lending any more money to your peers. Let them help themselves. That is the reason you are short on money in the first place! Also, double check your bank statements and see if they are not stealing any money from you. Lastly, there’s going to be a lot of traveling this month so make sure to get that oil change. Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray Scorpio: You need to get your head back in the game. There have been many issues since the year started. But listen … everything will be okay. It is all about making sudden moves and throwing away unnecessary things from your home. If you were thinking about getting a makeover, do so. Be organized. Unfortunately, the only thing I can recommend you is to continue to cleanse yourself. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray You might still want to wear your protection bracelets. Sagittarius: What a good month to renew your energies by spending more time with your friends and family. Let them spoil you. Let them take over your sadness. Allow them to take you out. As far as finances, your hard work is finally paying off! Spell Recommendation: Open Roads Spray Capricorn: What a beautiful month for you start your finances and relationship fresh. November is about stability. Rekindling relationships and letting go off fears. So with that being said, don’t stress about it. Spell Recommendation: Aphrodite Oil Aquarius: It is your turn to finally release all of those negative energies once and for all. November is about prospering and overcoming every single obstacles. For those who are in a bad relationship you guys may end up breaking up. Also, it is time to have healthy boundaries with your friends. No means no. Oh! And one more thing … stop repeating the same mistakes! Spell Recommendation: Dominance Roller Pisces: Stop being such a flirt, you are going to end having two partners by the end of the month. (I mean … unless that’s what you want *I don’t judge* haha.) Anyways, this month is about traveling and having so much success. For those who have been wanting to get pregnant expect some good news. Also, promotions!!! Spell Recommendation: Back Off Spray

  • What is a "Curse Crusher"? Who needs it?

    What is the "Curse Crusher Candle Work” service? The "Curse Crusher Candle Work” services is a triple candle work carefully designed in order to protect an individual from all the evil wishes and envy from those around them. These include evil eye, a curse and even a hex. The "Curse Crusher Candle Work" can be done on anyone and anything (including pets). If you are at the point where you suffer from heavy headaches, knee pain, hair loss, money binds and even job loss, then this work is a must for you! Who needs a "Curse Crusher Candle Work” service? Do you feel like something is ‘off’ these days? Does it feel like the world is always against you? Do your plans constantly fall through no matter what you do? If so, it is very likely someone did some work against you. This could mean anything from evil eye to a curse or even a hex. Or you may simply have too many envious people around you. The negative wishes of those envious individuals may have gather together and started to bring you down If this sounds like a problem you have, then you definitely need to do something against it. What can I do to get rid of this curse, hex, evil eye or negative energies? Lucky you. You have arrived at a place specially designed for you. Have you ever thought about getting candle work done by someone? More specifically a “Curse Crusher Candle Work Service”. That’s right. Although it may sound hard to believe, you can actually get rid of your curse by doing the bare minimum. How does the "Curse Crusher Candle Work” work? The most important things needed for a "Curse Crusher Candle Work” to work efficiently is the desire and belief of the person getting the work done. Like many candle services, the "Curse Crusher Candle Work” is a two person job. Not only does the "Curse Crusher Candle Work” performer need to put all their trust and energy but the person seeking help also needs to do so. If you have the desire to set yourself free from the curse, and if you truly believe in the removal of the curse then you can book a service right here. Asides from your belief, we will need three more things starting with your full name. We will also need photos of you. For the pictures, there is a very important rule. The pictures must be solo photos. This means no couple photos and no kids in the photos. Lastly, we ask for your patience. It is important to note that all candle work services takes time and dedication. In other words, there is no way to rush our "Curse Crusher Candle Work”. You need to know that even though you are booking a service that has a set time limit, the actual process takes approximately two weeks. Because this is such a lengthy process, we highly recommend answering all the text boxes at checkout to the best of your ability. We also recommend providing a reliable email in case we need any additional details from you. You will receive a "Spell Completed" update accompanied by a text message summarizing the result. Where can I book a "Curse Crusher Candle Work” ? You can schedule a "Curse Crusher Candle Work" by clicking right here.

  • Monthly Horoscope: October 2022

    Aries: Time to retreat and analyze situations with your income. It is not a good time for you to take any risks, especially with your finances. This month is about setting yourself up for goals and avoiding laziness. Don’t repeat previous mistakes. Overall, think before acting. Your lucky numbers this month are 41 and 42. Spell Recommendation: Academic Spray Taurus: Your monthly horoscopes is about discovering and realizing that not everyone is there for you. Expect rejections and break ups. For those who are single, you’ll find a new potential partner that will make you happy. Actions and positive changes awaits. Your lucky numbers this month are 2 and 15. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Gemini: This month is going to be tough in regards to your health. Make some time to set up doctors appointments for your hormones, kidneys or brain. Do not let it slide. Do not repeat previous cycle. October is a good month for love. There will be a lot of reassurance, progress and abundance. Your lucky numbers this month are 2 and 52. Spell Recommendation: Soothing Spray *New* Cancer: Time to make some changes. October is the perfect time to distance yourself and focus on you. Be a little selfish and take the risk to go back home. Opportunities await for you no matter what. The 3rd week of October will be your best week. Your lucky numbers this month are 19 and 4. Spell Recommendation: Open Roads Spray Leo: It is time to rise my dear lions. You’ll soon be getting out of that rainy cloud and find yourself walking in a sunny journey. Traveling, promotions, new job offers will be waiting for you. Remember you must not fear the unknown. Meditate and ground yourself. Avoid conflicts on the road and especially at your job. There could be robberies. Your lucky numbers this month are 2 and 32. Spell Recommendation: Dominance Roller Virgo: Virgos, it is finally the month to catch a break. You deserved it! All of that hard work is finally paying off. Your talents are being recognized by your superiors. Keep up the good work and soon you will no longer stress about finances. Also, follow your guts, your intuition. A lot of hidden truth will come to light. Your lucky numbers for this month are 15 and 37. Spell Recommendation: Academic & Spiritual Combo Libra: October is your month! What a good time for you guys to spend time with the family. A good time to win in court. A good time for positive changes. Trust yourself and the universe will guarantee you happiness. Also, take good care of your bones. There could be a slight chance you may break a leg (literally not in figurative speech) or an arm. This month you lucky number is 8. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Roller Scorpio: Your hidden abilities will come to light. This month is about forgiving and not allowing people to come back to your life. Your lesson is about following your intuition a little more. Don’t ignore yourself because if you do, evil awaits outside your door. Your lucky numbers for this month are 12 and 31. Spell Recommendation: Back Off Spray You might also want to wear some protection bracelets. Sagittarius: Your cards indicate that you still feel like the world is against you. The more you continue to have that mindset the more you’ll be stuck in that loop. The life lesson for October is to close cycles and avoid reopening them. Sooner or later you’re going to be okay … sooner than you think. Your lucky numbers this month are 6 and 21. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Roller (Third Eye Awakening) Capricorn: Unexpected changes await. Be prepared for a battle that could last you up to November. However, don’t think that the universe is against you because this month is about extra money. A friend or a family member will help you to embrace new ideas/projects. This person will make sure that you have money for the remaining of the year. Abundance awaits! Your lucky numbers are 45 and 3. Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Roller Aquarius: This month is about slow transitions in regards to finances and opportunities. However, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to have it bad. Someone from a distance is keep tabs on you. Someone wants you. Someone wants to use your talents for their benefits. Try manifesting a little bit more with meditation. Your lucky numbers are 9 and 31 for this month. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Pisces: FINALLY! Your bad luck ends this month! This month is about positive changes and new journeys, especially with your love life. And as a friendly reminder ground yourself a bit more. Touch base with Mother Nature so that she can return the same favor back. Also, be careful with your enemies, they are plotting revenge on you. Your lucky numbers this month are 1 and 26. Spell Recommendation: Money & Love Combo

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