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  • September 2022 Horoscope

    Aries: Take a break! Restorative rest is what you need in order to improve your health. This month of September is all about making positive changes in your life and learning when to retreat from tough situations. In order to win a fight you must stand your ground and think before taking any actions. Just like last month, be mature with what you do. I know you want to manifest things but you must remember to always be patient. You and those around you know how loyal you are but you must avoid involving yourself in fights that do not directly affect you. Spell Recommendation: Soothing Roller Spell Taurus: More than half the year is over so it is time for your hard work to be recognized by your peers. Continue working hard and improving yourself so that your wallet can grow with you. During August you were supposed to save money. September is the perfect month for you to have a good time and spoil yourself. You worked for it. You deserve it. This month there will be previous love interest coming back to you. Just know that it is totally your choice whether or not you want to reconnect with that person. Spell Recommendation: Money & Love Combo Gemini: Last month you worked hard in order to remain calm and not evoke any negative emotions. Now, happiness awaits for you! September is such a good month to get engaged (or even married). Just make sure that before you say “I do”, take your time to fully think about the sacrifices and issues that may come between you guys. For my single Geminis, that temporary job you have been wishing to turn into something more will become permanent positions! Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Spell Cancer: Last month I told you not to make any risky decisions - especially when it came to major investments. It is now time to hold yourself accountable for your own actions. If you made a bad investment, please stop and do not make the same mistake twice. If you were victim of an unfair event, be patient because justice will come to light. Also, stop trying to balance everything by multitasking! Ask for help if you need it. Spell Recommendation: Justice Roller Spell Leo: More challenges are coming your way! Think before your act. This month of September will be a bit bumpy and some may even face through tougher battles. For those who are always going to court, make sure to do research and get the facts right. On Fridays light up Saint Michael Candles for protection purposes and for justice to come to light. Spell Recommendation: Justice Roller Spell or Court Case | Success Candle Work Virgo: August was the month for you to start working towards your goals/desires. September is also a good month for you! Say goodbye to bad luck and hello to the mighty power. September is your month to grow and to finally go out of town to meet your friends. Leave everything in the past. I strongly recommend you light up a candle called “Open Roads and Bayberry”. Don’t forget to allow prosperity and fresh ideas guide you to better income. Spell Recommendation: Academic Roller Spell Libra: Last month you did a lot of healing. During September your bad luck will finally start fading away. The battle has finally ended and now you will notice opportunities come in pretty quickly. It is your time to get organized. This month will bring you new promotions/job opportunities. Take the offer you think is the best. Spell Recommendation: Open Roads Spray Spell Scorpio: You did your best protecting yourself from your enemies last month. This month’s keywords for you are ‘teamwork’ and ‘recognition’. It is finally your month to shine! Finally you left those pesky bad energies in the past and now you’ll be walking into abundance. For those who went through a rough patch, you must accept defeat and simply allow September to bring you the spotlight you deserved. Spell Recommendation: Spring Break Combo Sagittarius: You lucky horoscope! I know August wasn’t the friendliest with you in terms of your love life but September is finally here. Not only will you receive some extra income but you will notice your love life blossom. I see my Sagittarius partying, getting promoted, finding new lovers. Overall I see you living full of happiness. For those who were already dating, go out and have some fun. Spell Recommendation: Aphrodite Oil Capricorn: I’m hoping you left your enemies in August because what awaits for you this September is growth! It is a good month for you to think about a job change and to start taking other offers into consideration. Go with the flow and you will be fine. For my single Capricorn, you need to keep working on yourself. Learn to heal even if it is at a slow pace. You must learn to value yourself in order to be valued by the next person that comes around — especially because that person is the special person for you. Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Spell Aquarius: I hope you are ready for some great news because this month is your month to grow financially. No more stress. No more living paycheck to paycheck. Not only does September bring prosperity in your finances but also to your love life. This month your love life will be enhanced to the fullest. Also, it is time to go for walks and enjoy mother nature. Light up a pink candle and try to walk barefoot outside to help renew your energies. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Florida Water Pisces: STOP PROCRASTINATING! If there is one month were you work extra hard it better be this month. September will bring you extra income and relieve your stress but only if you work for it. Allow this abundance to make you happy and you will be just fine! Spell Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil

  • Monthly Horoscope: august 2022

    Aries: As the good old saying goes “Out with the Old, in with the New”. It is time to break old cycles and leave the past in the past. Unfortunately, there is no room for repeating failures. These include failed relationships, law breaking and negative eating habits. August is your month to bring positive changes into your life. Your key words are "maturity" and "expansion”. Spell Recommendation: Back Off Spray Spell Taurus: Keep in mind the saying “Money talks”. This month of August is your time to focus on “saving” instead of “sharing”. It is imperative for you to understand that there is nothing wrong with being a little selfish. Take this opportunity to focus on yourself and you will soon see your decisions pay off. Spell Recommendation: Money Roller Spell Cancer: I know 2022 has not been the easiest year for you. But thank the Lord because your anxiety issues will finally come to an end. You are getting over a hurdle but do not make any risky decisions. Right now is not a good time for any major investments, shopping or splurges. August is the perfect month for you to focus on befriending the "right" people. If you are able to find these “right” friends you will be guided to the places you need to be. Spell Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Spell or Spiritual Spray Leo: During this month of August, you need to be careful with any possible health complications as well as betrayals. For the time being, it may feel like everyone is out to get you. Not everyone around you is there to help you become a better version of yourself (especially in financial ways). Focus on you and only you. By doing so, you will be able to get the praise and recognition you worked so hard for. For those battling in court, you guys will continue to do so during the month of August. Spell Recommendation: Back Off Spray Spell Virgo: This month of August is full of fertility and expansion signs everywhere. This is the perfect time for virgos to grow and aim for their goals/desires. Always stay focused and follow your intuition because you’re not wrong. Spell Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Spell Libra: Right now is your time to shine! It's time for your wounds to heal and for you to finally move on. Forgive those who wronged you and cease your rage/pain. No more sorrow. You have to learn how to move on in order for you to be at peace. There will be positive changes coming your way in terms of work or moving in to a new place. Spell Recommendation: Paz Oil Spell Gemini: No matter what happens, try your best to remain calm and not evoke any negative emotions. You must remain calm as health issues are starting to go your way. Take care of yourself both mentally and physically. Do not fight. Whatever you wish for will head your way if you remain calm and remain honest! Spell Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spell Scorpio: I know the previous weeks have been rough for scorpios. Unfortunately, these hard times will go on for a little longer. This journey is extremely bumpy so do your best to be patient with yourself and those around you. It is imperative for you to protect yourself from enemies. Your enemies are more than ready to go after you all month long. Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Roller & Back Off Spray Spell Sagittarius: As the saying goes "Patience Is A Virtue". You are extremely impatient in terms of achieving your goals. You need to stop being so impatient. You will get to where you deserve to be when the time is right. You must stop being so toxic and pushy. It is time to mature and grow up. During this month of August, you need to remain calm and stop being so needy. For those looking to be in a romantic relationship, your own actions are the reason why things are not working out. Unless you take my recommendations, your love life will not improve. (A little tip here ... hang out with some Aquarius!) Spell Recommendation: Soothing Roller & Lovers Combo (for anyone seeking love) Capricorn: During the beginning of this month you may feel like a few doors have closed. This is because a cycle has closed for you. But it will soon be time to start a new journey. View this month as an opportunity for you to take a breather. Rest for now because a new battle has just begun. While you rest, focus on becoming stronger. Soon you will be tasked to expose those who wish to harm you. Only by exposing your enemies will you be able to be at peace. Spell Recommendation: Success Roller Aquarius: "Good and evil, there never is one without the other." I have both good and bad news for all my Aquarius. I hate to be the bearer of bad news ... but I sense many of you will be betrayed by a female energy this month. This does not necessarily mean from a girlfriend — it could even be a friend or family member. Just be wary of your surroundings at all times. On the bright side, I see fame, fortune and overall positive changes coming towards you. But watch out for any high blood pressure signs! Spell Recommendation: Fresh Start Combo Pisces: I won't say exactly how or where (since there are too many variables) BUT you messed up big time. It is now time to deal with the consequences of your actions. There will be a lot of chaos and you will be like a bad luck magnet. From your car breaking down to constant misunderstandings and from unexpected (and unwanted) life changes to deteriorating mental health, lots of these things will follow you. In oder to overcome this you must follow your spirit guides. Only then will you be guided into the right path. Spell Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray You might want to also wear a bracelet so it can absorb evil energies before they get attached to you!

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