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  • June 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Goodbye May, hello June! Let's see what this amazing month has in store for you! Here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for June 2024! Aries: Aries welcome to June aka your month when it comes to finances and receiving unconditional love from all places. For you, June is going to be one of your luckiest month of the year! Expect your progress to be rewarded by your employer / by your agency! Luck is on your side so take advantage of it and play the lottery. You never know. You might just win a good chunk of money. Recommendation: Protection Spray Taurus: I see many victories and lots of traveling happening during this month of June. Do remember to take a small break every now and then. Doing so will help renew your energies with mother nature! Any pending paperwork (such as immigration papers) will finally have a resolution before the month ends. I also see new romance heading your way! And this one may be the one who asks for matrimony. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Gemini: Lucky Gemini! I see you will be rich in terms of opportunities roaming around you all throughout June. And trust me, one of those opportunities will lead to a brighter future. June is also the month for you to take better care of your health and show no fear towards the universe. The world is your oyster and lots of trips are awaiting. If you have any pending projects, you may want to wrap them up this month. Remember to always keep your head up! Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Cancer: Saint Michael will be accompanying all Cancers during the month of June. He will also be lighting up your roads so you never feel alone. I see lots of contracts and collaborations waiting to happen. Make sure to read everything carefully and to proofread everything. Taking those extra precautions steps will bring you more income and luck! Recommendation: Academic Spray Leo: Get ready Leo because during this month of June I see your intuition and psychic abilities awakening. This occurrence will help improve your life. If you are having any doubts about your income, just stop. There is no need to stress about it because at the end of the day you are guaranteed money for your work. Do be careful with negative energies around you. I suggest you get a spiritual cleanse during this month. Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Virgo: Virgo, the wheel of fortune is spinning as we speak. For you, June is your chance to become a team player. But keep in mind that getting a long with others does not mean holding things in. Make sure to stand your ground when necessary. During the month of June you are destined to dictate and ultimately overcome your enemies. Oh and be on the lookout as those around you who doubted you will soon be experiencing the karma they built up. Recommendation: copyallycat Original Money Soap Libra: Libra … the hierophant has a message for you. You need to slow down! I can see that you recently rushed to things that are simply not meant for you. And you tend to do this quite often so you need to stop. Take things a little bit slower and watch how everything will go smoother for you. Its not about who ends the race faster, its about who finished the best and about the effort put into it. Recommendation: Soothing Roller Spell Scorpio: Fertility and abundance awaits for you for the whole month of June. Spend more time with your children and watch how that will help you renew your energies. This will even benefit you at work. I see lots of celebration and collaborations. As always, be careful and actually get to know your potential business partner first before sharing your ideas. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Celansing Oil Sagittarius: Stop procrastinating Sagittarius! Things can and will go your way if you start taking action rather than just thinking about taking action. You can have all the faith in the world, but if you’re not implementing those ideas, then how do you expect to reap what you sow? I see lots of money waiting for you by the end of the month. Just remember that you have to work hard for it. Recommendation: Harmony Troll Capricorn: Capricorn, those motherly instincts will keep calling you this month. But don’t worry too much about it as it will help better express your emotions. And believe me, those around you (Family, friends, lover) will be thankful to see you more expressive. Many blessings will come to you this month if you are sincere with your emotions Recommendation: Love Roller Aquarius: My dear Aquarius … you keep doing what you do and thrive in your own way. Remember, people will talk ill about you regardless of what you do. And that’s okay. You let them talk.  Trust me, your work will be noticed soon enough. But be wary of all the negative energy surrounding you. Don’t let them get the best of you. Recommendation: Back Off Spray Pisces: Pisces, make sure to keep your head up as this month of June is all about dominance. If you are able to pinpoint the people who are messing with you, you will be able to teach them a valuable lesson. And trust me, they won’t want to mess with you again. This month is also a good time for you to start controlling your own feelings and start worrying about yourself instead of others. Recommendation: Seven Times Reversible Kit For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • May 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Hello May! Let's see what this amazing month has in store for you! Here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for May 2024! Aries: Welcome to the month of May aka the month when you will be taking time out of the day to pamper yourself. I know that you have been using your time and money to take care of those around you. But now it’s your time. Round up everything and focus on yourself. As a natural born leader, you need to understand that you need to come first. It’s almost like your motto! My only suggestion for you this month is to take care of your finances and try to save money. Doing so will allow you to have a prosperous June. Recommendation: Money Soap Taurus: Say ‘hello’ to your birthday month and to financial growth! Invest and invest as this is the perfect month for your financial growth. With your tremendous energy, you can overcome any financial obstacles. May is also the perfect month for you to buy a new vehicle or a new home. Just keep in mind that you also need to try and save money. Your desires will become your reality. I suggest you wear a little bit of more yellow since it is your lucky color. Recommendation: Siete Machos Soap Gemini: Ever since the first quarter of the year ended, you all have had the chance to go through transformations. And the month of May is the perfect month for you to feel tremendous energy and go too many places . Perhaps this is the month for you to move out, get promoted, climb up the social ladder, etc! I suggest you always keep in mind that as an air element you must implement those chaotic thoughts of yours. Recommendation: Soothing Spray Cancer: For you, the month of May signifies healing. It is time for you to withdraw from those things that are taking too much of your energy. Instead, take good care of your body. May is about focusing on your healing process and it is also the time to start thinking about ways to save money. Doing so, will allow you to make that big purchase you have been thinking about. It may become possible around June or July. Here’s my little suggestion for you. Remember that patience is key! Right now is not the time to spend money. Keep it and you will be able to spend it on even better things in June. Save, save and save! Recommendation: Good Eye Roller Leo: I hope you are ready for a big change in your future because I see you collaborating with your perfect match! You will be at a high peak this month so you your business plans (or relationship goals) will blossom. I see new finances and luck heading your way so congratulations my dear lion. I will suggest you add the color red to your wardrobe! Recommendation: Academic Spray Virgo: Get up! It is time for you to get out of your shell and explore the things around you a little bit more. You need to let your emotions come out because otherwise you are going to fall into a deeper depression. For you, May is all about spirituality. I suggest you take the chances life is giving you and go out. Travel with your four legs and you may even find yourself on the other side of the world! Your spirit guides will follow you no matter where you go so enjoy your adventures! Recommendation: Seven Quartz Soap Libra: Libra, I hate to tell you this but you need to be careful as the month of May can be a challenging one for you. But don't worry too much because at the end of the month you are going to succeeded despite the troubles you face. I suggest you take good care of yourself since this is the month where evil lurks constantly. Avoid publishing the positive things in your life on social media. Just try to protect yourself a lot more than usual. I sense your enemies coming to light, but at least you are now awake. Recommendation: Nudo de Bruja Perfume + Talisman Scorpio: My dear Scorpios, what is going on? Turn that frown upside down! I see you are worried but don't stress our too much! At the end of the month you will find yourself victorious (even those dealing with court cases). The things you desire to accomplish will soon become real by the end of the month. Here's my suggestion for this month. Let it out. It is totally okay to cry. At the end of the day you represent emotions and water so just go with the flow and watch how everything slowly unveil in your favor. Recommendation: Coyote Justice Soap Sagittarius: Keep your head up honey! You are going to find a balance one way or another. I know you experienced some stressful moments during the month of April, but don't worry. You are going to feel free soon. During the month of May, Archangel Michael will accompany you in your journey and he will be able to help you defeat all kinds of evil. I suggest you always keep him in mind. His fiery sword will defend you in any battle. Also, try to wear a little bit more of the color blue this month. This color can help you get approved for any documents or work related papers you have. Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Capricorn: Capricorns, during this month of may I feel like you will take a trip into the past as I see you potentially repeating an old cycle from last year. Please remember that in order for you to move forward with your life you cannot repeat your past mistakes. You need to learn and move on in order to feel true happiness. My suggestion for you this month is to spend more time with children. There are children around you who need you as a role model. Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Aquarius: My dear Aquarius. Make sure to get your projects lined up correctly because this is the month for you to demand more work. I also sense new forms of romance. You are a dominant horoscope so you are going to succeed in just about every aspect. You may lose a little bit of sleep but just know that it will be worth it because money is going to flow in at the end of the day. Here's my suggestion for you this month. Do not share your money this month as those who receive it may rob you out of your luck. Recommendation: Jalea Africana Pisces: It is your time to shine and become super rich! I sense positive roads ahead of you followed by lots of celebrations. I want to take a second to tell you "congratulations, you made it." I know you have suffered for a long period of time but now you are able to enjoy your life. My only suggestion for you is to remember that you are a water element. Make sure you are expressing your emotions to others. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • April 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Hello April! While March gave us a lunar eclipse, April is gifting a lot of us with our first total solar eclipse since 2017! Curious to know what the amazing month of April has in store for you? If so, here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for April 2024! Aries: Aries welcome to the month of April. This is the perfect time for you to settle down and find yourself a good person to be in a relationship with. I want you to have this in mind, new people will bring new ideas. Make sure to take this advice as this new ideas later be used on your own projects. Remember Aries you are a leader and when you take leadership, you will be guaranteed money. During April I see a lot of love, passion, sex and celebration all month long. So, when meeting new people, take your time to explore your options and go for what you like best. Recommendation: Miel de Amor Spiritual Kit Taurus: My dear Taurus, for you April is the month to restore that balance in life that you’ve lost as the year has progressed. Your feminine energy is all about motherly vibes and Mother Nature. So try to get more in touch with your feminine energy. You’ll thank me later. Keep in mind that it’s time to flip things around. April is the perfect month for you to show who is in charge when it comes to work, family and projects. Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Gemini: Gemini , believe me when I tell you it’s time to let go of your desire and thirst for vengeance. April is your month to transform and let go of all those bad habits of yours (including going back to your ex)! Mercury retrograde is here to remind you that you will only suffer if you keep purposefully repeating the same mistakes. Don't just make plans. Act on them. And try to avoid stressing out too much. Remember, two heads are better than one. Get different opinions and help when it comes to your mental health. Recommendation: Luck And Prosperity Spray Cancer: Well lucky you! Pack your bags because this is the month to explore new sceneries. Allowing yourself to travel and see new sights will help you come up with new ideas. And I know you have some projects coming up that could definitely use some innovative ideas. Instead of following others, try to think outside the box and allow your own creativity guide you throughout this month. Trust me, experiencing new things are good for you. Recommendation: Sandalwood Protection Spray Leo: Leos, what's going on? It's time to get it together! For you, April is all about collaborating with others and allowing other horoscopes to guide you to the right path. Summer is around the corner and it will be the time to become powerful. But in order for you to shine bright you must start now. Your friends will be Aquarius, Gemini and/or Libra. Allow them to shift your energy to the sun so that you can recharge your energies. You'll soon realize you'll both be helping each other out. Recommendation: Back Off Spray Virgo: Money, money and even more money! Virgo, April is your month for guaranteed success. Let's just say this is the perfect time to focus on saving money ... and I mean SAVE! Later on in the year you will be able to invest that money that you saved and you will successfully turn in into something bigger. For those of you who have been practicing manifestation, your desires will slowly start being fulfilled. Recommendation: Gold & Silver (Money) Incense Libra: April will be such a good month for you when it comes to love. So much that you will wish your happiness and romance were eternal. I see lots of positive energies all month long which I know it’s something you’ve been waiting for. You Libras are the batteries of the horoscope. In other words, you give energy to other. And one way to help yourself is being feeling complete. So it’s time to let go of unnecessary habits and traits that no longer serves a purpose. Recommendation: Love Roller (Best-Seller) Scorpio: As you know, the first quarter of the year is officially over. Now that April is here, it is your time to shine bright. I see you having a lot of luck, more money and the correct guidance. Not everything in life is negative. I know that for you the year started a bit rough, so now you can fully enjoy the positive things heading your way. This includes positive things related to your relationships. Recommendation: Protection Handwritten Talisman Sagittarius: You have power and manifestation in the palm of your hands. What you desire will happen. You will get those projects you've been wanting for so long. Make sure to not make any sudden movements and don't fully establish those projects until min April. This is because the Mercury Retrograde could turn the positive into a negative. Let’s think smart and ahead of time with those projects. Doing so will get you the results you want. Recommendation: Abundance Talisman Capricorn: Get ready for a spiritual journey and collaborations during April. Next to you is a right friend / right partner who will take the time out of the day to guide/help you through your spiritual path. Remember, you are God‘s favorite horoscope because you represent 'new beginnings' and the 'new year'. I see lots of success and triumphs this month. Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Aquarius: It is time to take action and start working on improving your finances. Any pending debt will be taken care of this month and is also the time for you guys to hustle a lot more than usual. You guys are chaotic, but you guys are guaranteed money. Your search for power and big money is coming. Recommendation: Money Magnet Bath Set Pisces: Be careful of who you surround yourself with. Make sure to take extra precautions this month, since there could be robberies and/or financial losses. Mercury retrograde has occurred so you need to protect yourself a little bit more. Use your spiritual powers to help distinguish evil people in bad relationships. You will be tested this month by the power of the planets. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood (Protection) Oil For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • copyallycat Monthly Horoscope: March 2024

    March, the month of both endings and beginnings. Pisces is the last horoscope of the zodiac and is followed shortly after by Aries who represents the number one (new beginnings). I hope all roads lead everyone who is reading this to new opportunities. Curious to know what else this amazing month of March has in store for you? If so, here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for March 2024! Aries: Aries welcome to the month of March this month will the beginnings and changes for you. It is the perfect month to understand karma and start breaking bad habits so that you won’t make the same mistakes you did last year. This month of March is all about taking action instead of being hardheaded. I suggest you start making space for yourself so that there will be more time for divine wisdom. Your success and accomplishments are finally going to start coming into the picture. Remember you have your spirit guides to help and protect you. You may be at war, but you will be victorious. Lucky Numbers: 1919 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Taurus: Taurus you’re the most nurturing horoscope of the zodiac. I see you are taking care of business and luckily for you, your luck resumes this month. (I suggest you try playing the lottery). During this month of March, I see that there is a tremendous energy heading your way which will affect your money/finances. You have to have structure and you need more organization with your finances. Remember you need to be a team player and start building your network in order to succeed in life. Trust me, if you help those in your network, they will return the favor sooner or later and it will be twice as helpful. In 2024 you will be the luckiest horoscope in the zodiac. Try wearing more yellow and you will thank me later! Lucky Numbers: 1234 Recommendation: Money Roller Gemini: Gemini, March is not the month to play with your finances. Forget about gambling or any big project decision. Instead, get organized and have structure with your money. Nevertheless, March is the perfect opportunity to stand your ground and pay back any outstanding debt. I know these aren't the words you wanted to hear but you need to check your checking account(s). I want you to grow but in order to do so, you have to start making better decisions and finding balance in your life. Lucky Numbers: 2222 Recommendation: Justice & Balance Spray Cancer: Let’s welcome the month of stress … but not the bad stress type. Throughout March you’ll be feeling just enough stress so you become ambitious and hustle more to take care of your finances. For you, it is time to invest in your home and complete those final touches you’ve been putting off. Remember, it is good to renew your home’s energies. Doing so will allow you to welcome more positive energies! Try burning cinnamon sticks everyday and you’ll noticed more money flowing in. Also, I see victories heading your way this month! Lucky Numbers: 2002 Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil Leo: Leo, welcome to the month of March aka a chaotic time for your finances. Don’t worry too much though. You’re not the only one who has to step up their finances game! For you, the month of March is all about new beginning and creativity. I can see lots of money flowing into your bank account(s). Just remember that big money shouldn’t equivocate to big spending! During this month, I know you will still be striving for prosperity and achievement. I can see that you have by your side the right people … so please do your best to not push them away with your temper! Lucky Numbers: 1818 Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Virgo: Allow me to congratulate you ahead of time! For you, March will be full of good news and positive transformations in regard to work. In addition, it is about karma and beautiful cycles. I know it is time for you to get promoted / upgrade your job. When changing courses, you must not fear the unknown. Simply go with the flow and watch how life unravels what it has planned for you. Remember, your keyword for this month is ‘good karma’. Lucky Numbers:2323 Recommendation: Seven Times Reversible Spray Libra: Libra, get ready for victories and for freedom. March is the month you have been waiting for. For you, this month will be filled by power, maturity and control. Those of you who have pending court cases, will find yourselves victorious. March is about overcoming all the obstacles and allowing everything to slowly fall into place. Be careful with the way you behave and portray yourself. There will be people analyzing your skills and some may even offer you job opportunities. If this happens to you, I suggest you say yes to those proposals. Congrats one again on being a horoscope that is full of never-ending energy and passion! Lucky Numbers: 1616 Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray Scorpio: It is your time to shine my dear Scorpios! All your problems will soon leave your life and your love life will begin to blossom. I know yo’ve been desperately waiting for this moment to come so take advantage of it. Your money will be flowing in like crazy and your hard work will not go unnoticed. Spirituality is in high demand with you Scorpios so try leaving a glass of water under your bed and flushing it the next day. Repeat this during 30 days and watch how the things you tried  manifesting turn into a reality. Lucky Numbers: 1551 Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Sagittarius: Sagittarius, you are one lucky horoscope! For you the month of March is all about good energies, passion, gains and positive work. I see that new work will be assigned to you and that there will be victories with court cases and anything involving important documents. Due to your positive energies this month there will also be lots of movements and job proposals. All I can say is, say YES to everything! Lucky Numbers: 1717 Recommendation: Academic Roller Capricorn: Capricorn get your emotions ready because I see lots of love, peace, hope and romance coming into your life soon. Trust me when I say you are one lucky horoscope when it comes to relationships because everyone wants a piece of you! With that confidence of yours, you will soon encounter new job offers. And let me just tell you that you deserve every single opportunity heading your way. Lucky Numbers: 0330 Recommendation: Block Buster Oil Aquarius: Aquarius it’s time to start using your manifestation abilities at full capacity during March. If you do so, you will find yourself with lots of victories. Keep in mind that in order for you to win, you must rest and relax your body. Follow your intuition! For you, the month of March is all about making wise decision while also taking care of your health. And yes, this does involve your eating habits! You are powerful and you will overcome every obstacle this month. May all roads open up to you. It is okay to have a few fears but don’t back down from anything as you will always rise back to the top! Lucky Numbers: 0440 Recommendation: Seven Quartz Soap Pisces: Pisces you truly are the biggest inspiration of the horoscope. March is the month for you to have money and fertility. This month will be all about traveling and accomplishing those goals you had set up at the very beginning of the year. Try giving yourself a rosemary bath for three days straight. Doing so will cleanse and renew both you and your energies. Not to mention that it will attract luck into your life! Trust me, you want to take advantage of this time and of your spirituality. Lucky Numbers: 101 Recommendation: Spiritual Spray For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • 2024 New Year Readings by copyallycat

    Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024! The New Year is finally here which means a whole new year of opportunities. Plus, the Mercury retrograde ended on January 1st so the odds are definitely at our favor right now. Curious to see what awaits for you in 2024? Luckily for you, here are copyallycat’s 2024 horoscope readings. Aries: Welcome 2024 with arms opens as this is the year of luck, hope and inspiration for you. Aries, you are the first horoscope in the zodiac, therefore you will be dictating how things need to be run this year. During the first quarter of the year I see you trying to shake off some fake friends who managed to follow you from last year. But don’t worry too much about it because I also see you will find yourself detoxing from the negativity around you and healing yourself. For you, the second quarter will be all about mental health, strength and money. As the leader of the zodiac, you often carry the weight of others. Not everyone will listen to your suggestions on how to run things. And that is okay. With or without those individuals you will still progress throughout the year. Your third quarter will be composed of changes that may impact your lifestyle and may even result in a change of scenery. I also see that there may be some delays or rejection from a loved one. This may affect your emotions a little more than you’d expect but just remember that within all these events are hidden signs. Eventually it will all make sense. During the last quarter of the year of 2024 I see you will find yourself having a high level of spirituality and many roads will open up for you. Don’t be afraid to take these opportunities because Saint Peter and Saint Therese will accompany you. Here is my recommendation for you. Try to cleanse yourself more often during 2024. I suggest learning about aromatherapy and try wishing upon a star. When working with the stars, you are guaranteed manifestation, love and power from mother nature. Your lucky numbers this year are: 6, 8, and 74. Recommendations: Limpia / Cleansing Candle Work & Deep Cleanse Roller Taurus: 2024 signals moments of epiphany for you. You have entered a year that is full of luck, power and recognition for you. I know you have had a long journey and it is why this is the year for you to take action. Your first quarter in 2024 will primarily be composed of movements and changes. In other words, you’ll often find yourself in situations you are not used to. But don’t worry. You will be okay because you will have the right company next to you. During the second quarter of the year I see you will prioritize relaxation. Doing so will allow you to think clearer and start making money without having to lift a finger! This quarter will also be the perfect time to turn your ideas into realities. All of this will take place while you recharge your energies. For you, the third quarter of 2024 will be Al l about wealth and collaboration. You may find yourself successfully working with other like-minded individuals who have similar goals to yours. Taurus business people will broaden their network and find themselves meeting people who will help them make more money. Last, but certainly not least, during the last three months of 2024 Taurus individuals will find stability and most will even succeed in their home purchasing dreams. This fourth quarter will be a good time to be alone, spend more time indoors and look back at everything they have accomplished. One of my recommendations for all Taurus is to take advantage of the fact that 2024 will be a good year for their finances. What I mean by take advantage is to take the opportunity to save money. In addition, taking care of yourself is important too. Try to always make time to work out. I would also suggest you try to be more crafty and use your intuition to show off that talent. I would also suggest trying to make some DIY spells!  Remember that Saint Lawrence and Saint Elena are here for you anytime of the year. Your lucky numbers are: 48, 67, 77 Recommendations: Open Roads Candle Work & copyallycat Victory Oil Cancer: Good news to all my Cancers. For you 2024 is your year in terms of balance and proposals. Overall you will have a good time this year. I can see you will either be signing important documents and / or shinning in anything that is work related. 2024 is your time to shine. During the first quarter of the year I see you will find yourself with stability. There will be good changes that will ultimately enhance your work. During this quarter, you will notice some sort of balance that needs to be restored. If you were thinking of making investments. the first three months of the year may not be the best time for you. But that's what the second quarter is here for. For you, the second quarter of 2024 is all about investments aka what you couldn't do before. There is also a lot of sharing quality time with your loved ones. As for all my witch cancers, this is the time to either create an altar or upgrade your current one into a more spacious one for your ancestors to visit you. The third quarter of the year will consist of achievements you have been wanting to reach and getting to places you've been dreaming of. It is also a good time to be creative with your spirituality and overall work. If you are debating about moving forward with big plans, such as selling a home, this will be a good time to do so. Last but not least, the last quarter of the year is all about staying alone and charging your feminine energies so you can utilize it for stronger intuition. Cancer is all about intuition and being the number one teachers. Remember to take time out of your day to momentarily let go of everything and meditate. Another quick reminder, Saint Martin and Saint Francis are here for you and they will be by your side throughout the year. This year's lucky numbers for you: 3, 56, 68 Recommendations: Salud Express Candle Work & Spiritual Spell Gemini: Lucky you! 2024 is practically the perfect year for you. You are one of the luckiest horoscope of this year. For you 2024 will be all about strategies and making money. For you, the first quarter of the year will deal a lot with being persistent and simply trying to make ends meet. However, that won’t dominate your first three months of the year. I also see a lot of company and celebration which will help you cope with your work environment. During this quarter it will be better for you to be surrounded with people versus being alone. The second quarter of the 2024 is all about taking action and easily having a double income. Money is super important, and during this quarter I see you will not have to stress about anything else. All you have to do is sit there and look your best. The third quarter of the year is a time for positive mentality and debating what else to do with your life. For all my witchy Gemini friends, this will be a good time to work with Archangel Michael. Try to get to know him and watch how with his sword he will unfold your journey. As for the fourth quarter, I see a lot having to do with marriage and finding true love. It will be a good time for harmony and for peace. Throughout the year, I recommend making and keeping a vision board on how you’re going to implement a lot of those ideas you have lingering in your head. Having a journal is definitely a must for you! For you, this year will teach you the important lesson about getting rid of unnecessary clothes/object and decluttering. This will help you recharge your energies. Your lucky numbers: 1,4, 8 Recommendations: Go Away | Breakup Candle Work & Good Eye Roller Aquarius: Let's openly welcome 2024 which will be the year of goals, responsibility, justice and gains for you. It will be the perfect time to make money and work with others who have a similar job to yours and who work near you. Always remember to stay positive. This means saying positive affirmations out loud, listening to and singing positive music, and even reading positive things. And one more thing ... try spending more time with mother nature. Allow it to heal your inner wounds and watch how she will give you abundance. The first quarter of the year is about being clever and efficient with the money you have now. This money will come and go throughout the first months but it will ultimately help you advance to the second quarter of the year. Make sure to keep an eye out during the next three months. Be careful with those trying to befriend you. A lot of them want to be 'friends' with you because you have something they want, not because they truly want to be there for you. Try to be patient and think things thoroughly before saying “yes” to anything. For the second quarter of the year, you may find yourself acting' selfish'. But don't worry. That’s simply your power and manifestation turning into reality. You will also find yourself receiving help and advice from a good friend ... yes, the one good friend you have been waiting for and manifesting. The third quarter of the year is about signing important contracts and/or winning lawsuits. At this point you may be thinking you've made a lot of money, but during this quarter you may find the way to make triple the amount of money you made last year and during the previous months of the year. And don't worry about your money. Saint Michael will be there to protect you and your assets. I can see the fourth quarter of the year will be your resting period. This will also be the time when you may finally find the ideal partner you have been asking for. Whatever qualities you want are the qualities you will find in this person. Lucky numbers: 66, 74, 88 Recommendations: Money Drawing Candle Work & Sandalwood Protection Leo: My dear Leos, buckle up because you are now heading towards the moon. What I mean by that is that I see you will have a stronger intuition and will be making bigger movements in life. You are the lion associated with the sun and the star is shifting into something different. For you, the first quarter of the year signals a time of sacrifices and letting go of any attachments you have towards things or people who no longer serve a purpose in your life. I see a lot of transitions which will be a good thing for you. So don’t worry too much as I don’t see any of these transitions as something negative. The second quarter of the year is full of victory. For those of you who are waiting on important documents or court battles, this quarter will be your time for victories and breakthroughs. As the ferocious lion you truly are, you need to utilize your anger and turn it into an action. I see that the Aquarius next to you will be there to help you turn your positive mentality into a reality. The third quarter of the year will be a time for harmony and marriage. If you are waiting to get married to your ideal partner, this is the perfect time of the year to do so. Try to sleep in a little bit more as this will help you recharge your energy. At this point you may be wondering if there will be any money for you this year. Luckily the answer is yes. And this will happen more towards the end of the year when the planets stop acting up. Try to not stress out about money. Either way you are going to be able to gain it back throughout the last two quarters of the year. I suggest you start your finance planning early in the year so you can have money to spend during the year. Here is a little hint, try to go see movies all year long and enjoy some movie popcorn. You will need some darkness in your life but don’t worry too much because you are a sun. As I mention, the moon is now with you meaning you may have a different kind of light that perhaps you’re not used to. Just remember patience is key. This year's lucky numbers: 2, 6, 48 Recommendations: Coyote Court Case Candle Work & Aphrodite Handmade Soap Virgo: Hello 2024! This is your lucky year as you’ll be making better decisions when it comes to  your love life, collaborations and money. Let me start off by telling you that during the first quarter of the year you will have some moments where not everything is colorful. The good thing is that at the end of the day you define the way how you want to live it. I suggest wearing more color purple when you attend important meetings or when you have to make decisions. Your need to make decisions transitions into the second quarter of 2024. I see you will hit a period when you may feel loss. But that’s just a momentarily feeling and let me tell you it is not the end. Quite the contrary, this is your spiritual path awakening. Keep in mind that for you the color purple represents “spirituality”. Just don’t freak out if you feel somewhat lost. The way I see it, this is an uncertain journey for you but just know the outcome will be positive. The third quarter is the perfect time for transformation, which I know a lot of you are not used. I also see long-distance relationships and/or traveling far away. The way I see it, this is mandatory because you are an earth element and you need to walk on what God created. Many of you will have the strength to exercise a positive mentality. And if you prepare this on the third quarter of the year; by the end of the year, you will be able to feel freedom and the positive outcomes of these changes. For the last three months of the year, I see there will be lots of new relationships, new found freedom and even the path you dreamed of being in. You have done a lot to get to this point and now it is finally time to experience new journeys you are not used to. Here’s a little recommendation, listen to music and get creative with your hands. Doing so will help you with your spiritual path. Your lucky numbers are 4, 16 and 27. Recommendations: Petition Wishes Candle Work & Garden of Eden Roller Libra: It is time to turn things around this 2024. For you, this year is meant to be as powerful as a battery. As a Libra you already have tremendous energy and soon you are going to be able to turn that energy into tangible accomplishments. It is time to stop being in the middle and finally rise to the top of everything. During the first quarter of the year, you are going to feel all the luck and fortune heading your way. This will be very beneficial for you, and it will roll over for the second quarter of the year. During these first six months you will feel a sensation of completeness. As a result, it will also be a perfect time to spend quality moments with your family. I can already see lots of traveling and family gatherings since you will have all the money that you need. Not everyone is as lucky as you and starts the new year with luck. If you’ve been waiting to find ‘the right one’, then the third quarter will be your favorite. I see that your ideal partner is heading your way. I also see lots of marriage showing up in your life path. Consider yourself lucky because not everyone can experience this in their life. Here’s a little hint, if you do get together with this special someone, try to go dancing or work out together. You will need to exercise that energy. For you, the fourth quarter of the year is the time to save every penny and salvage any relationships. You sometimes act like a hardheaded airhead and that will jeopardize a lot of your relationships. You need to understand that not everyone can keep up with your energy. At the end of the day you are a balance beam and you need to try to balance your life or else you might end up alone. Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 48 Recommendations: Make Me Rich Express Candle Work & Money Roller Scorpio: Quick reminder that patience is key. A lot of you Scorpios need to understand that not everything will come to you at the very beginning of the year. Most of you already did your New Year Rituals yet some of you have not been able to experience the luck just yet. But this is normal. Trust me, your time will come. The months of January, February, and March are all about reflection, accountability, and spending some more time alone. Scorpios need to exercise the brain in countering back bad energies. Understand that you have intuition that needs to be established. Put your foot down and learn to say 'no'. If you keep agreeing to everything you will find yourself doing things you truly don't want to. 2024 is a year of destructions and reality checks, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the year is targeting you. It simply means that you have the opportunity to use this year's energy to overpower and dominate people. Not everyone has that kind of skill ... and yes! you can utilize that strength to make more money. Take good care of your health and have more compassion for others people. Not everyone deserves to experience the negative side of you. Try to drink (more) tea and watch how it will heal you. For you the last remaining three months of the year will be a good time for success, ambition and positive changes. This year's lucky numbers for you: 5, 7, and 99 Recommendation: Peace Candle Work & Back Off Spray Sagittarius: It is time to take a chill year since you are the lucky one who is going to experience abundance all year long. You will not have to worry about a single thing because every single month you are going to be receiving exciting news. During the first half of the year I see lots of job opportunities and wealth practically knocking on your door. Listen to some positive music and watch how that will bring you manifestation and affirmations. Get away from any depressive music or negative people because it’s not going to help you achieve your goals. You are independent and should stay independent. This is your year for transformation. You will no longer repeat the same toxic patterns from 2023. I recommend you keep a journal all year and do your best to write positive affirmations daily . You will have moments where you may feel stuck when writing daily but I don’t want you to get off track. Write your feelings, write your goals. Everything will come true. I recommend you be straightforward and aggressive with your words. You are notorious for being firm and keeping this trait will lead you to the path you are meant to be walking. Lucky numbers: 32, 81, 56 Recommendation: Domination Candle Work & Block Buster Oil Capricorn: My dear Capricorns, I suggest you get your mental health checked this year and stop your procrastination habits. This is the year for healing and getting medically checked. You are going to be fragile and will be spending more time indoors during the first months of the year. For the beginning of the year, it is a good time to get away from toxic people and simply taking breaks. For a long period of time, you have been working nonstop. Now that we are in 2024 it is time to prioritize yourself and be more serious about your health. Time flies by and humans can't be young forever. You may want to start preparing now versus leaving everything for the last minute. Go see a doctor and go see a therapist go get everything checked. By doing this, you will be able to start new projects outside your home during the second half of the year. The earth is not flat, so take the time to walk and exercise. A healthy body will work well with a healthy brain. And you need your brain for manifestation purposes. Here's a little hint, use your brain to manifest money. Tarva the year you will have moments that needs to be addressed. This is a year of having to confront things and no longer sweeping it under the rug. As God’s lucky horoscope, just know that God would always challenge you and a way to see if y’all fate is still strong. Lucky numbers for you: 66,74, and 88 Recommendation: Health Candle Work & Goodbye Black Magic Spray Pisces: Pisces get your wallet ready because money is about to pour all over you. For a long period of time you have suffered multiple unlucky events. Luckily for you 2024 is a year of luck. During the beginning of the year, Pisces are going to be able to flip things around . Even though you are a water element and a fish, you will have the need to get in touch with the earth. Ground yourself and have that vision of the finance plan. Pisces are usually all about intuition, but this is the year that you all are going to be making a change in the horoscope. Just like the Leos, Pisces will be associated with the moon. In other words, you are going to be associated with earth. It’s something new and different. You are known for swimming from place to place, but let me give you this heads up. This year you are going to be much more lonelier. I know fishes travel but right now it is your moment to be alone to do things on your own. This year will be filled by transitions but that's okay. You will be okay. Your lucky numbers: 41, 55 and 96 Recommendation: Rompe Bloque Candle Work & Money Soap (Handmade)

  • Monthly Horoscope: December 2023

    2023 is almost over but we still have December! And your December horoscope is finally here! Love, luck, wealth, success, abundance, happiness ... see what this month has in store for you. Here are copyallycat's last readings for the year (December 2023) Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: 2023 is nearing it’s end but this does not mean exciting things will stop heading your way! It’s quite the contrary. Be prepared as there will be many positive heading your way. I do suggest you take some time to figure out how exactly you plan to balance work, family, the holidays and (most importantly) self care. Here’s a heads up. You are nearing a breaking point so I need you to be certain that you have everything under control. Remember, you are the leader of the zodiac which is why you have that urge of being the leader at parties/gatherings. Be careful with your excessive planning as it can lead to more stress. Everything will be worth it at the end. So put just a little bit more of effort and you will be fine. Oh! and listen to some therapeutic playlists because, let’s face it, holiday planning can get stressful. Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Taurus: You truly are the most stubborn horoscope out of the bunch! You need to take the time to drink more water and start healing your inner body. Remember, you represent the Earth so if life gives you a seed, you must take care of it and give it water. Maintenance is the number one thing you should focus on if you want more doors to open in your life aka opportunities. I see lots of new journeys, love and prosperity heading your way BUT if you don’t take the time to take care of yourself you won’t be ready for when these opportunities come knocking on your door. The Venus sign is always there, signaling you to be just a bit more nurturing. We need to stop with the stubbornness! Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray Gemini: My dear air element … Now is a good time for you to exercise and take your health a bit more serious. I know the big holidays are just around the corner but keep in mind that most holiday foods can be a bit ‘heavy’ which can make you feel sluggish. Just remember to take an hour or two every now and then to eliminate some of those extra calories. By doing so, not only will you be treating your body with respect but your body will thank you and you will be able to enjoy your holidays more. For you December is about planning an altar with an add a bunch of toys, gifts, food, candles, and mystical signs. Your spirit is waiting for you and if you treat it the way you treat your family, they will reward you with lots of gifts. Also, don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Right now is a good time to start your 2024 New Year resolutions. If you start on time, I can see you finding your true soulmate next year! Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Cancer: Congratulations Cancer! I see you have reached a new level of success and a new high-level of spirituality. For you, December is associated with the number 3 which represents abundance and chunks of money. With that new money you’re making, you should treat yourself. Get yourself some nice snacks and try purchasing warm-toned or gold-toned clothing and accessories. By using warm colored clothes you will be able to stand out more than anyone else and attracts wealth/luck. I feel that for a very long time you guys had to suffer with not being able to express yourself, but the table has turned and now you are in charge. Recommendation: Sandal Wood Protection Spray Leo: My dear passion lions, I’m glad to see many of you are finding love and peace during this holiday season. As the romance in your zodiac life advances, you will start to feel like you are on top of the world. Be prepared to deal with new people approaching you. Soon you will notice how new people find you attractive and can’t help but compliment you. You will get to shine the way you desire thanks to the fire element being combined with an Aquarius sign. For you, December is the perfect month to pamper yourself and even do those beauty enhancements you’ve been thinking of. Ah, I almost forgot to remind you that as the year comes to an end so will many of your projects. Luckily, those projects will bring you luck and money. Recommendation: Aphrodite Oil Virgo: You represent the most good looking and sexually active sign in the horoscope. Because of this, you have the power to manifest whatever and whoever you desire. I see that for you the magician is here to make sure that you are overcoming any obstacle out in your way and to aid your manifesting abilities. You (along with Leo) will be the center of attention no matter where you step foot in. During this month you can expect many gift exchanges. I’m seeing the number one thing you need to focus on more is personal growth. You keep postponing many projects and you need to stop doing so before the month/year ends. Remember, what you do now will heavily impact how your 2024 goes. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil Libra: Your spirit guides are always here for you. Every ay and every night they try to guide you into the right path you need to be in. Your intuition is never wrong. If you feel like your spirit guides are whispering to you, it’s because they are trying to show themselves to you. Right now is the time to listen to them. Don’t turn them away. All they want is what is best for you. You may notice that some people will suddenly exit your life. There is a valid reason that only God knows. Just like the year is about to end, so will many cycles in your life. Take this end of the year as an opportunity to clean and declutter your clothes / any unnecessary items from your home. You need to leave those behind in order to start 2024 in a positive way. Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Scorpio: You are well known as the animal that is always biting, This time around the plates have turned and you are the one who is going to be bit by others. It is time to truly analyze your friendships and do some financial planning. What you have right now will no longer work for you. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I see many rejections and perhaps even a break up. Once again, if someone walks out of your life, it is for a valid reason. 2024 is about to start and I am sure you do not want any fake friendships or relationships to follow you. On that same page, be careful who you trust your finances to. You might get tricked if you are not careful with your money. Last but not least, remember to show respect and compassion to others but make sure to not tolerate too much with other’s crap. Recommendation: Money Roller Sagittarius: I know you guys go hard when it comes to partying during December. It’s fun and all but make sure to also take time to heal and recharge. Throughout this month you will be acting a bit weird. One moment you’ll feel like you are on top of the world. But a second later you’ll find yourself taking a break from everything and everyone. This is totally fine! The way I see it, it is good to enjoy yourself and it’s also good to take the time to put yourself first. Trust me, not many people can do that. Remember, as the fire passion element, you don’t have a single care in the world … and for you that’s okay. Don’t allow anything to bother you because if you do, that thing will bother you for the rest of 2023. Recommendation: Soothing Spray Capricorn: You truly are the richest and luckiest horoscope of the year. Just WOW! Not only do I see you being wealthy and with lots of money flowing in your pockets, but I also see you reaching a new level of accomplishment. Allow me to tell you how you can attract more money. Try meditating and affirming yourself everyday. If you do this through this whole month, your financial situation in 2024 will be better than this year. Here’s a little tip, take a bit of time every day and write down what things you are grateful for and use this as a way to leave old things in the past. Recommendation: Block Buster Oil Aquarius: Ah, my favorite crazy horoscope. December is the month designed for you to draw the line and set boundaries. You need to let go of those ‘friends’ with toxic traits/behaviors. If you do this, you’ll soon see just how better your life can be. Those are not your friends … they are enemies who feed off of you and your accomplishments. I suggest that throughout this month you burn some bay leaves, onion peels and garlic peels which can attract money and protection to you and your home. If you protect yourself during this month, I can see you having a successful 2024 start. Here’s a little tip, fully accept and love yourself. If you do so, the next people who comes into your life will also love you to the fullest. Recommendation: Love Roller Spell Pisces: Make sure to pack your bags and be ready to do all your traveling rituals! Before December ends, you will find yourself traveling. This can mean traveling anywhere from your neighboring city to a whole new country! This little getaway, will bring you clarity and serve as a reflection period (more so if you travel at night). Just remember to look up at the sky and the stars will illuminate your path. My dear Pisces need to be mindful of their empathy, Take the chance now to get to know yourself and those who you travel a lot with. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • What Is Aphrodite Oil And What Does It Do?

    Heard about Aphrodite Oil but aren't really sure what it is? If so, you have found the right place. There are many Aphrodite Oils in the market and you can even make your personal version! Nevertheless, copyallycat's Aphrodite Oil has been a game changer for many customers. Below we'll be breaking down what exactly the Aphrodite Oil is, what is does and how you can use it. What is the Aphrodite Oil? copyallycat’s Aphrodite Oil is a one-of-a-kind hand crafted sensuous oil for love enhancement and love rituals. The Aphrodite Oil was inspired by Aphrodite; the ultimate love goddess. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is associated with beauty, love, lust, passion, pleasure, procreation, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity and victory (just to name a few). In western literature and art, Aphrodite is often featured as a symbol of female beauty. copyallycat’s Aphrodite Oil is a a carefully crafted triple love spell which helps attract new or past lovers. The Aphrodite Oil is perfect for anyone who wishes to increase the romance in their life. If you wish to attract new individuals or potential lovers (or even your exes), then our "Aphrodite Soap" is right for you. What other names is the Aphrodite Oil called? The official name used by copyallycat is Aphrodite Oil. Nonetheless, customers also refer to it as Attraction Oil, Relationship Oil, Love Oil, Magical Oil, Infatuation Oil, Enhancement Oil and more. What ingredients are used in Aphrodite Oil? The Aphrodite Oil found on is a unique one-of-a-kind spell created by copyallycat and exclusively sold on our site. The two main ingredients used to create our Aphrodite Oil are flower petals and organic essential oils. How is the Aphrodite Oil used? copyallycat’s Aphrodite Oil can be used in many ways. We strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Alone: If you wish to use our Aphrodite Oil as is, we suggest applying a few drops on your wrists and neck. Our Aphrodite Oil can be used as many times throughout the day as you wish and can be used along with any of our roller and spray perfumes. Lotion / Body Products: If you wish to combine our Aphrodite Oil with your favorite lotion or body product, we suggest you add a few drops of Aphrodite Oil and mix it in your hand with your product. Perfume: If you wish to combine our Aphrodite Oil with your favorite perfume, we suggest you apply a few drops of Aphrodite Oil on your wrists and neck. When you spray your perfume, make sure the perfume is sprayed in the places you applied Aphrodite Oil. Not only will this leave you smelling amazing but it will also increase the longevity of your perfume. How to use Aphrodite Oil in a spell / ritual? The Aphrodite Oil is also a perfect addition for those who work with candles. If you plan on doing a candle work such as our “Amarre X Anaconda”, “Come To Me”, or “Pretty Pink Glitter”, we suggest adding a few drops of Aphrodite Oil to the candles. Because our Aphrodite Oil is a triple love spell and those candle services are for love purposes, those drops will increase the strength of the candle work. For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • Monthly Horoscope: November 2023

    Your November 2023 horoscope is finally here! Luck, money, success, love, happiness ... see what the stars have aligned for you. Here are copyallycat's November 2023 Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: For you November is the perfect month for finance and security changes. Know that if you were struggling before due to financial and security issues, those will go away this month. This is because November represents the number 11 which is often associated with Archangel Michael who represents justice and protection. You are the first zodiac sign and as the leader you must lead the team. Many opportunities are heading your way. Just remember to start making or continue to follow a routine that works for you. Not your family, not your friends but YOU. I also see some extra shifts / job opportunities knocking your door. Recommendation: Sandalwood Protection Spray Taurus: November is finally here! And the best part about this month is that you will be starting new projects and sharing / enjoying them with other fellow Taurus. We all know bulls are hardheaded and I see you tend to love yourself the most our. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what you want in life. This can set back those who wish to get married soon but it is a good thing for those who wish to focus on their careers and themselves. I see many Taurus going back to school and, if this is your case, make sure to take advantage of it. Recommendation: Block Buster Oil Gemini: My dear Gemini. You are an air element and often forget to come down every once in a while. I see you still have some healing left to do. Remember that healing is a mandatory process you have to go through. You may often feel like no one understands you and this is because you truly are the only one who can understand yourself. This is because your sign represents twins which means you come with more than one pack. Of course, this also means you have double power and do twice as much thinking. Use your two brains to pay more attention to yourself and those around you. Ah, and remember that during November the King of Swords will be here to set order while keeping things fair. Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Cancer: Your childhood dream is now becoming a reality! I know you feel very stressed but that’s totally normal! Cancer, you are the teacher of the zodiac so it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone has the ability to think the way you do. And that’s totally okay! It’s just that you are unique in your own way. Here’s a little tip, if you are hanging out with someone who you think dislikes you, STOP hanging out with them! Ah, and start preparing mentally as I see new projects heading your way! So take those projects to your advantage! Recommendation: Back Off Spray Leo: Decisions, decisions and more decisions. You will soon encounter lots of situations where you’ll have to make decisions but don’t worry. Whether it’s a money or work related decision, you will be fine since no matter what you pick you will be fine. For you the month of November is all about exploring different paths and learning what works best for you. Here’s a little tip, stop oversharing your life. There’s always someone out there trying to make your plans fail. The lion is associated with strength and fire. Take this opportunity to go outside and renew your energies. Recommendation: Academic Spray Virgo: Lucky you! Archangel Michael will be accompanying you in your journey this month to protect you from any diseases and evil! I see you taking charge during this month of November and doing so will benefit you by allowing you to have healthy boundaries with your peers. I know that you all have been misunderstood for a very long time. Now Archangel Michael will be the one protection you as you continue to work for your dreams and your family. I also see lots of virgo starting to come to light and gaining fame. So, if you have a small business, now is the time to try and become bigger! Recommendation: copyallycat's Victory Oil Libra: I see you are the operating battery in your life and in the life of others. I also see you never stopping to recharge. What I’m trying to say is that you need to take your health seriously. I know you are the only one who takes care of you and on top of that you are the one who also takes care of others. It is why I urge you that during this month of November you take time to care about your emotional, physical and spiritual self. Recommendation: Soothing Spray Scorpio: My Scorpios … I have both good news and bad news for you! For starters, I see money you didn’t expect heading your way *yay*. But I also see that there may be some relationships which will be going out the door. But let me just tell you, do not worry too much. At the end of the day, you’ll be okay because money is a necessity. I guarantee you’ll encounter future relationships later in life. Here’s a little tip, you need to prioritize your career. Recommendation: Money Roller Sagittarius: My dear Sagittarius … you have a lot to offer. Whether it’s strength, luck, or pride, you have the ability to offer that to others. For those of you who have been struggling with a court case, don’t worry too much as you will soon find yourself victorious with a successful outcome. I can see you have an Aquarius sign next to you who is pressuring you to turn your dreams into a reality. Use this opportunity to think like an Aquarius. Be a bit spontaneous and creative and you’ll soon enjoy upgrades in life. At the end of the day, the year is about to end and what you do this month can affect your 2024 January. Keep in mind that karma exists and that life cycles repeat themselves. Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Capricorn: We all know 2023 is ending soon BUT don’t let your guard down because the year is still not over! You will soon be experiencing huge amounts of energies coming in left and right. As God’s favorite creature on this world, you are chosen to have structure, routines and money. Unfortunately, when you lose or let go one of those qualities you tend to experience money losses. So take this chance to save your money because whatever you do now will affect your 2024. But if you save money not only will you enjoy it but your loved ones will too. Recommendation: Holy Trinity Combo Aquarius: The year 2023 is about to end yet there is still a special gift waiting just for you. You still have a thoughtful ‘contract’ ready to be signed. This’ contract’ can appear in your life as winnings, court-related cases, paperwork, a new car, a new home etc. Here’s a little tip for you. Justice is often associated with the number 11. The month of November as well as Archangel Michael represent that exact number. (911 represents 9+1+1=11). I other words, you can expect to hear positive news all month long. You may find yourself also starting new work or a new hobby that can developed into more income. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Pisces: I am so proud of you! Just look back at everything you have accomplished so far this year! Not only have you started water shifting but I see you are now dedicated to finding your purpose in life. As the fish in the sea you don’t know when to settle down. This isn’t necessarily a big issue but just know that as an empath you tend to carry those energies everywhere. Your energies may cause people to not want to be around you for a prolonged period of time. As the ending cycle horoscope please remember to close all doors behind you and to allow new shifts. Recommendation: Good Eye Roller For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

    Your October 2023 horoscope is finally here! Luck, money, success, love, happiness ... see what the stars have aligned for you. Here are copyallycat's October 2023 Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: Welcome to the month of October. You guys will now be experiencing new start. New beginnings, new lovers, and all overall new movements. Holiday season is around the corner so buckle up for some self-time. Not to mention there will be a special person waiting for you at the front door … it has to do with spiritual partnerships. Your lucky number for this month: 27 Recommendation: Love Roller Taurus: My dear bulls, you are finally allowing movements, embarking in new relationships and overall dominating everything life throws at you. The perfect month is here for promotions or moving. this applies to both jobs and your home. Remember, October signifies 'one' which indicates new things not old ones. Remember to take good care of your skin because your fragile skin may struggle with the upcoming climate changes. Your intuition will be super strong this month because Scorpio is right below you. Please don’t stomp on them! Your lucky numbers is: 22 Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil Gemini: October is the perfect month for harmony. Not only are you accomplishing your career goals/dreams but I can see your love life thriving as well! Take this chance to work out and try to stick to a healthier meal plan. You will thank me later. During this month you will be able to feel the greatness and the light that you deserve. As the twin horoscope remember to always think twice. Be careful when signing or leaving someone. Don't be hasty with your decisions and instead think about it thoroughly. This month’s lucky number: 67 Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray Cancer: Hello lucky priestess. Let me congratulate you as you are about to awaken a new flow of income. Not only are you able to receive lots of money, but also abundance and wealth in any way you can imagine. This is meant to help you out, especially in your times of need or when facing problems with debt. Make sure to share some of that money with your loved ones and watch how God will provide you with more. Your lucky number this October: 26 Recommendation: Money Roller Leo: My dear lions, this October you will be showered with lots of luck! Not only are you pairing up with the Aquarius horoscope, but I see a 'double' between you. What I am trying to say is that I see double money, double luck, and double prosperity! Just remember to always take small breaks because you need to stay at the same pace as the Aquarius sign. Oh, before I forget, you will also experience your spirituality growing. Your lucky number: 37 Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Virgo: Get ready for strong manifestations and lots of reflection periods during October. For you this month is about awakening, new journeys and money. Just remember to accept everything that’s given to you ... yes, even the smallest details. You will thank me later . October has a lot love, money and prosperity to offer. Just make sure to spend time with mother nature. This month's lucky number: 47 Recommendation: Break Free Spray Libra: It is time to spend quality time with your partner and loved ones. This is the month for transportation and traveling. There will be lots of movements or a chance for you guys to do multiple things all at once. Get ready your traveling friendly products and watch how the car rides / flight will be favorable. Remember to get a bit creative. Your lucky numbers: 3 Recommendation: Florida Water Scorpio: Quick reminder that for you specifically, October represents manifestation. This is your time to shine but keep in mind that patience is key. Everything will happen at its destined pace. I urge you to finish the month with stability. If you do so, you will soon be able to enjoy your finances. Try to not take our your card every time you see something nice! Instead, think things thoroughly before making an impulsive purchase. Your lucky number: 8 Recommendation: Soothing Spray Sagittarius: Hello my independent arrows. You all are now going to experience the positive karma of life. Despite the coldness and strong winds heading you way, your fire will be strong enough to remain unharmed. Just remember to have good communication with everyone and stop hiding your feelings! I see lots of compatibly with Leos. Your lucky number: 33 Recommendation: Witch's Knot Soap Capricorn: First and foremost, it is time to take your health seriously. I understand holiday season is almost here, but that is not an excuse to neglect your health by eating unhealthy. I'm seeing that your kidneys are at their weakest point so make sure to drink plenty of water everyday. And try to changes to your lifestyle / diet into a healthier one. If you're careful, you will be able to enjoy lots of positive things next month. This is a good time to face reality. Your October lucky number: 5 Recommendation: Siete Machos Shampoo Aquarius: It is your time to experience some of the best moments of you life with your family and loved ones. You will soon encounter a new found passion and meaning to your home. This includes lots of home projects and decoration activities. I do have to warn you to always be careful of who you are allowing in your home. Healing, peace and love is what I see for you throughout October. Your lucky number: 46 Recommendation: Cast Off Evil Incense Powder Pisces: My dear Pisces. Be very careful when it comes to your health this October. While October is a water month, you may experience the dark side of these elements if you let your guard down. Be wary of sharks or any kind of betrayal. You will be called upon Archangel Gabriel as he will guide you to the path you need to follow. Don't be too disappointed about not immediately doing what you want. You will still experience an adventure. This October's lucky number: 55 Recommendation: Chase Your Enemies Away Water For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • Monthly Horoscope: September 2023

    Your September 2023 horoscope is finally here! Luck, money, success, love, happiness ... see what the stars have aligned for you. Here are copyallycat's September 2023 Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: Let’s leave August behind and focus on September which (for you) is all about luck, prosperity and karma. This is your month to get creative with your craft or to try gambling if it’s something you’ve been wanting to do. Your financial struggles will finally leave and it is the perfect time to seek stability. Here’s a little tip, try to meditate by a river as it will help renew you and strengthen your intuition. As the first horoscope on the chart you need to remember just how important a good first impression is. The lucky numbers for thins month are: 26, 18, 10, 39 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (Win at everything ... money, love, success, etc.) Taurus: September is full of new beginnings for you. This may even manifest itself as a better job opportunity with better pay. As the bull in Mother Nature, Taurus individuals need movement in their life. Do not get stuck in your old routines. Right now is the chance for you to step out of your comfort zone. Remember that changes are good for you. Do not get scared or question why good things happen to you. They are meant for you. Here’s a little suggestion, an unexpected money flow will hit your account. It is up to you if you want to invest it or just save it for later. Just try to not spend it. Also, continue to manifest as the sun is really close to you. And remember, when it comes to love, you are most compatible with Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. Your lucky numbers: 56, 44, 1, 5 Recommendation: Money Soap (help your finances) Gemini: We love the double magic! For you, this September will bring you the discovery of hidden abilities, tremendous energies from the unknown and new found courage. All those obstacles that were blocking your way and making things difficult will now transform into positive things. As the mercury retrograde is still in the picture, September is still a good time to audit yourself. Review everything you have done and try to avoid previous mistakes. Believe me when I say you do not want to repeat the same mistakes in the future. Remember that your twin magic is a blessing from the sky; especially with the chariot in the picture. This month’s lucky numbers: 19, 03, 7,15 Recommendation: Spiritual Spray (3rd eye awakening) Cancer: Rise and shine because September is all about relaxation. This is the perfect month for all my Cancers to simply to sit back and enjoy life. You are now waking in (9 months) which resembles closing old patterns, cycles and spirituality. In your third house we see communication. Most importantly, speaking up about the truth. Obviously, this does not mean you have to go on and blabber about drama or people. You’ll know when to speak and when not. September lucky numbers: 10, 12, 4, 41 Recommendation: Goodbye Black Magic Spray (get rid of negative energies) Leo: Love and comfort is heading your way for this month of September. Not only is this month about cleansing but also showing the universe that you have a lot of compassion. The sun will sit strong on your horoscope all month long which will renew you. All your relationships and friendships are now going to get better from here on. September's lucky numbers: 99, 50, 13, 37 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (Win at everything ... money, love, success, etc.) Virgo: I am seeing a lot of happiness and socializing for Virgos this month of September. September for you is all about exploring and trying new things. There will even be times this month were you will find your self being in peace and surrounded by silence. There is nothing wrong with that so don’t worry. On the contrary, embrace it because not everyone has the opportunity and time to think things thoroughly. I suggest taking time to take a stroll at the park barefoot as it will renew you & cleanse you from those pesky energies from the previous months. Now is the time for changes. This months lucky numbers: 46, 39, 1, 47 Recommendation: Back Off Spray (Push away bad people from your life) Libra: Buckle up and get ready to have a blast this month of September. A bunch of good news and positive changes are headed your way. September for you also involves forgiving, finding courage and overall have harmony in your life. As an air element, Libras need to expand their knowledge and try to stop being so close minded. Take this month for to enjoy love and comfort as it will truly change you. Your lucky numbers: 96, 37, 11, 9 Recommendation: Justice & Balance Spray (push away attacks thrown by enemies) Scorpio: Let us build a strong feminine intuition this month of September as it will change you and your future. For those who are into spirituality and working with the moon, take advantage of the beauty of pampering. For those who work with the sun, take advantage with the finance department and work more with the sun. You Scorpios are full of talent, use it and bring it to life in order to overcome those obstacles you keep seeing. Your lucky numbers: 33, 46, 13, 9 Recommendation: Money Soap (help your finances) Sagittarius: The full moon finally passed which means now is time for you to feel refreshed and be spiritually stronger. As a leader of finances you should take the chance to get a bit more organized with your craft. FYI, there will be big opportunities this month. Don’t get scared and don’t question them. Instead, take those opportunities as they will bring you more abundance. September is your month to feel aligned with life. Lucky numbers for you: 63, 29, 4, 51 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (Win at everything ... money, love, success, etc.) Capricorn: My Capricorns, September is your month to manifest powerful energies and grow spiritually. Don’t stress too much about all the problems you are dealing with, as they will slowly calm down. Take a deep breath, and prepare yourself as a butterfly will join you in this journey of nature. Here’s a little hint, light up a green candle on Thursdays and watch how all your wishes come true every single week. September lucky numbers: 4, 33, 1, 29 Recommendation: Back Off Spray (Clearly see who are your real friends and who are just ruining your life) Aquarius: Aquariuses, let’s get up and exercise our minds. As a spiritual psychic horoscope we need to take the chance to play some mind games and exercises. Remember that we can transform our negative mentality into a positive one. This month will be filled with ups and downs. But you already know to not stress out too much because at the end of the day you will be making more money than usual. During this month there will be lots of negations and you will deal with some documents. But everything will be okay so let’s relax a bit. Instead of stressing, take deep breaths and pick up some dumbbells. Your lucky numbers for September: 67, 11, 53, 3 Recommendation: Witch's Knot Soap (Protect yourself from envy and dark energies) Pisces: You lucky son of a bi***! Not only are Pisces receiving the lucky hand of god this month but also the planet Jupiter! You know, right? That this means these upcoming months are perfect for you to get your finances in order. And even try gambling if it’s something you do or want to try. Just be careful! Watch out for fake friends around you as they want to steal from you. My little hint for you is to try and stay well protected. Oh, and try to hang out more with Geminis. This September’s lucky numbers: 1, 23, 13, 23 Recommendation: Spiritual Spray (3rd eye awakening) For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • Monthly Horoscope: August 2023

    Luck, money, success, love, happiness. Wondering what the month of July has in store for you? If so, you are at the right place, Here are copyallycat's August 2023 Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: It seems like FINALLY your financial problems are out the door. Now you can awaken more luck and prosperity in your life. Don’t be too impatient as you hard work will pay off soon. Here’s a little tip, use all those benefits that you worked so hard for to racked up. If you’ve been saving for a big purchase (like a home), August is the time to start moving forward with your plan. Your spiritual journey is also awaiting. Try lighting up a green candle on Fridays for more luck and money flow. Your August lucky numbers: 87, 96, 27 Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil (for spiritual protection and cleansing purposes) Taurus: I know how much you’ve been waiting for this. Luck is finally on your side! Be prepared to use that luck in casinos or for fixing any type of car problems you may be having. Be careful when it comes to your love life as pressure and immaturity will be sure to make themselves present. Choose wisely who you want to stay with. Try to always think logically. The year is almost ending and August is the time to take your health seriously. This month’s lucky numbers: 3, 19, 71 Recommendation: Open Roads Candle (unblock all obstacles and destroy negativity) Gemini: No matter who or what you say, do not let anyone bring you down. You just have to do what you like/want. Practice the religion you want and engage in the business partnerships you like. August is your time to speak up & practice finding balance in your world. You may feel like you are having to take too many decisions but this is normal. Remember that it is okay to cry. Just remember to not don’t give up. Abundance awaits but just as a reminder not to overspend it or payoff your debt. Now is time to outgrow bad habits regarding money problems. Lucky numbers 88, 57, 7 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (for victory in love, money, success, etc.) Cancer: PLEASE TAKE A BREAK! You have the money to take a break. Use it wisely to go out and explore what the universe has to offer. This August is your month for reunions and for new starts. Just remember to watch out for fake people that may be roaming around you and your property. Now is your time to be at peace. Try practicing some meditation. This month's lucky numbers: 6, 46, 74 Recommendation: Money Candle Service (attract even more money to you life) Leo: Hello my beautiful lions! Rise & shine because August will bring you lots of love, pregnancies and new life changing opportunities. Your waiting time is finally over. Soon you will catch yourself being able to enjoy everything that is in your path. Here’s my little tip for you. Try to decorate your home a bit more. I am seeing that it needs a little touch up. If you listen to what I said, you’ll soon find yourself attracting more luck into your home. Your lucky numbers: 37, 44, 99 Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil (for spiritual protection and cleansing purposes) Virgo: Virgo PLEASE stand your ground! I know there are a lot of thing you want to know but let me tell you that you won’t get anywhere if you remain still. Seek and you will find the answers you have been eager to know. But these answers can only be found outside your home. So go out! Your reading indicates trouble and drama emerging from the unknown. All I can say is that you need to brace yourself because this war is just starting. But there is no need to worry too much because at the end of the day you’ll still be victorious. August lucky numbers: 10, 33, 56 Recommendation: Witch's Knot Soap (protect against dark energies, return curses, etc.) Libra: It’s time to learn to accept and adapt to changes. Trust me, they are good for you. August is your awakening period and if you don’t learn to adapt you may be lead yourself to more potential failures. There are some project waiting for you … do not wait until the last minute. Take this chance to analyze your life, more specifically finances. Act like the adult you know you are. Your lucky numbers are: 61, 48, 63. Recommendation: Academic Spray (helps you concentrate and make smarter decision) Scorpio: I know you’ve had a hard time but it is finally time to heal and learn to move on by yourself. Trust me, you don’t need that person next to you anymore. You will only find yourself staying behind if you stay with them as they are weighing you down with them. It’s okay to move on regardless of what people may think. Here’s my little tip for you, Do not worry too much about the emotions attached to that person as you’ll be victorious when you move on. Try to pay more attention to music because it will sooth everything out for you. You August lucky numbers: 32, 41, 4 Recommendation: Soothing Spray (helps calm the mind, reduce stress, ease anxiety, etc.) Sagittarius: I see you are doing everything you can to hold on to a path that is not meant for you … at least not right now. You need to let go of said path in order to find the real paths your destiny has in store for you. August is here and now is the time to look forward. Between now and December you will realize why you always walk a lonely road. Trust me, it’s for your own good. You really don’t need to bring anyone with you. Your intuition is warning you that not everyone is your friend. It’s best if you keep certain people away. You lucky numbers this August: 22, 14 , 5 Recommendation: Academic Spray (helps you concentrate and make smarter decision) Capricorn: You are always walking a path full of grace. If you pay close attention as you continue this journey, you will see how god illuminates more paths for you to choose from. During this month of August you will have fresh starts awaiting for you (new home, new employment, etc). This month you do not need to stress too much. No matter which path you choose, god will continue to bless you with abundance. Your lucky numbers: 1, 91 , 93 Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil (for victory in love, money, success, etc.) Aquarius: Let me congratulate you as your dreams are just now becoming a reality. The career you wishes as a child is now becoming a part of your life. Patience is key. Your desires will appear in your life as contracts. Remember that Saint Michael is here to destroy any enemies that try to interfere between you and your destined path. Here’s a little tip, your physical health is just as important as your mental health. August is the perfect opportunity for you to work on your appearances. Be unique. Stand out. Soon you will notice others calling you a ‘beauty’. Your lucky numbers this month are: 2, 67, 11 Recommendation: Siete Machos Soap (for attraction, success, abundance, etc.) Pisces: Lucky you! Your time is here. It’s time to shine and be rich! August is literally the perfect month for you. Any business negations on your way are now at your favor. Remember that your spirit guides are working with you. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the most important thing ... new manifestation powers and life adventures are waiting for you. Your lucky numbers this August are: 55,8 and 66. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil (for spiritual protection and cleansing purposes) For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all.

  • Monthly Horoscope: July 2023

    Luck, money, success, love, happiness. Wondering what the month of July has in store for you? If so, you are at the right place, Here are copyallycat's July 2023 Monthly Horoscope Readings! Aries: Look at you! You are the perfect horoscope for this month of July. For my Aries, the month of July is all about “new things" and “changes” ... and I mean in a good way. For you this month will involve things such as new relationships, money opportunities and projects that will be completed by the end of the year. My tip for you is to make sure you renew your energies by decorating and moving stuff around. I promise you’ll feel good with a new scenery. Recommendation: Siete Machos Shampoo (cleanses wearer and protects them from evil energies and evil eye) Taurus: Taurus, STOP being so lazy! Get up and go out on an adventure. Life is now opening new paths for you but you have to be in the right place to take advantage of these opportunities. Enjoy your vacations because they are the perfect way to cleanse yourself. Also, walk barefoot more often ... Mother Nature will love you for that. Here's a little tip, learn how to communicate more. Take this chance and people will hear you. Recommendation: Glow Me Up Roller (boosts your confidence) Gemini: Things are looking good for my Gemini this month of July! For you, July is all about abundance and desires. Keep in mind that not everyone will be joining you with pure intentions. Here’s my tip for you this month, decorate your room or office and watch how your energies start to blossom. Recommendation: San Alejo Spiritual Water (keep enemies and evil away) Cancer: Cancer, here we go again. You need to let go of your past! Let go of those toxic friends / acquaintances who no longer serve a positive purpose in your life. I promise that if you let go of those who harm you, you will be able to see your finances improve. Believe me when I tell you that those 'friends' are simply stopping you from growing. In more positive news, your debt to karma is now cleared up so enjoy the rush of good luck in your life. Recommendation: Back Off Spray (Pushes away fake people in your life) Leo: My dear Leos ... I know you have been facing financial struggles and that you are also having relationship problems. But let me tell you that this month of July is about NOT giving up. Keep doing your best and watch how the sun will reward you with health and success. Here's a little tip, get creative with your craft. You must show your uniqueness in order to find success. Recommendation: Money Soap (Attracts money into user's life) Virgo: Virgo it is your time to explore your options in regards to money is here during this month of July. All you have to do is get up and take action. Please SPEAK up. Motivate yourself and watch how life brings you a money tree. Here’s a little tip for you, follow your intuition during this month of July because you will definitely be on the right side. Recommendation: Evil Eye Slippers or Evil Eye Tote Bag (protect yourself from envy) Libra: My dear Libra, rise and shine beautiful! This month of July will be bringing you clarity and spirituality. Take this month to manifest open roads and money. Whatever you try to manifest is what you will be getting. Quick reminder to take deep breaths and allow your body to rest in these moments of lucid dreaming. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Oil (cleanses user and provides spiritual protection) Scorpio: I know money has been tight but do not worry. The income you have been wishing for is now headed your way. Your love life is also thriving I see you having the perfect relationship with a Taurus or a Capricorn. They have amazing thoughts and gifts for you which will surely make you happy. Here's my tip for you, don't build too many walls around you and simply watch how life rewards you with love. Recommendation: Siete Machos Intense Cologne (provides protection and cleanses user) Sagittarius: Take a deep breath because t(as you may have noticed already) this month will be hell! As a fire element you need to get ready to face situations that are not in your favor. But it will be okay. You know everything will be fine and at the end of the day you will remain financially stable. My little tip for you is to take deep breaths and practice yoga or any other exercise to keep your bones healthy. Recommendation: Coyote Talisman (leads you to success and attracts whoever you desire) Capricorn: Capricorn, for you I see peace, love and faith! God is telling you to move on to better things. Leave the past in the past and look forward to life. You’re not learning any lesson or growing as an individual with all that toxicity in your life. All I can say is that you need to heal your trauma by yourself. Here's a little tip, carry a journal with you at all times. Recommendation: Tetragrammaton Talisman (sacred amulet for protection) Aquarius: Aquarius, my dear air element. This is a good month for you to start any transformations and do any cleansing you've had in mind. For you, this July will be filled with decisions related to money, employment, and love. Here's a little tip for you, sit back, calculate and eat healthy. Your body will be a bit delicate if you don't take care of your diet. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse (cleanses user and can cleanse a room/home) Pisces: Money, money and more money (plus new beginnings). July is the perfect month to manifest wealth, health, and stability. Your spirit guides will accompany you and enlighten your path. So don't fear what comes your way and simply embrace it. Here's a little tip, if you want to manifest something, you must burn cinnamon sticks with charcoal! Recommendation: Justo Juez Bath Salts (helps justice and truth prevail)

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