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Services (17)

  • Open Roads Candle

    WE DO NOT CALL/UPDATE ON THE DAY OF APPOINTMENT. SERVICE MAY TAKE UP TO 4 WEEKS TO COMPLETE. PLEASE BE PATIENT. Open Roads Candle: A ticket to paradise! The "Open Roads Candle Work" will help unblock all types of obstacles and negativity. This is a candle service specifically created to help you obtain the job you desire, grab more attraction, and overall bring more opportunities and prosperity. Did you know that our open roads can enhance your health What will I need from you: Please provide the full name AND date of birth of the person this service is intended for. Candles: This is a candle service. Candles used will depend on candle availability. copyallycat adds special secret oil mixtures to each candle in order to enhance effectiveness. Process: 1. Place order and wait for confirmation email. We start processing order. 2. We print your order and add your details to our candle(s). 3. Allow days for candle(s) to burn (times differ for every candle). 4. Candle is interpreted and update is sent to you * UPDATES ARE SENT AFTER CUSTOMERS BEFORE YOU RECEIVE THEIRS * Communication: Make sure to use a reliable email at check out. We suggest becoming a site member for easier and smoother communication. If you have any questions, message us via the pink chat button found on the bottom right corner. Results: Some clients see results fairly quickly but for others it can take even months. Variables including the severity of the wearer's problems/obstacles and their belief in the service impact the results. Refunds: No refunds will be awarded unless your candle work is not possible due to my (copyallycat’s) fault. Disclaimer: Due to legal reasons, we must state our services are for entertainment purposes. You are paying for a digital document (in this case pictures) which will be sent to your email. copyallycat is not responsible for any actions taken by clients. Services are not meant to be taken as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please seek a legal advisor. If you are experiencing a medical or health condition of any sort, please seek professional medical assistance. See our FAQ page for more. All our candles come from one manufacturer and therefore candles may burn similarly. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DENY SERVICE.

  • Martha Dominadora Candle Service

    WE DO NOT CALL/UPDATE ON THE DAY OF APPOINTMENT. SERVICE MAY TAKE UP TO 4 WEEKS TO COMPLETE. PLEASE BE PATIENT. Martha Dominadora Candle Service: Strong candle service designed to help you conquer and dominate a person. This service can be sued for many different things. Example, you can use it to attract a lover and make them think of only you OR you can use it to make your enemies do as you say OR you can use it to make you boss notice you and give you the treatment you deserve at work. What we need: Please provide the full name AND date of birth of the person this service is for. Candles: This is a candle service. Candles used will depend on candle availability. copyallycat adds special secret oil mixtures to each candle in order to enhance effectiveness. Process: 1. Place order and wait for confirmation email. We start processing order. 2. We print your order and add your details to our candle(s). 3. Allow days for candle(s) to burn (times differ for every candle). 4. Candle is interpreted and update is sent to you * UPDATES ARE SENT AFTER CUSTOMERS BEFORE YOU RECEIVE THEIRS * Communication: Make sure to use a reliable email at check out. We suggest becoming a site member for easier and smoother communication. If you have any questions, message us via the pink chat button found on the bottom right corner. Results: Some clients see results fairly quickly but for others it can take even months. Variables including the severity of the wearer's problems/obstacles and their belief in the service impact the results. Refunds: No refunds will be awarded unless your candle work is not possible due to my (copyallycat’s) fault. Disclaimer: Due to legal reasons, we must state our services are for entertainment purposes. You are paying for a digital document (in this case pictures) which will be sent to your email. copyallycat is not responsible for any actions taken by clients. Services are not meant to be taken as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please seek a legal advisor. If you are experiencing a medical or health condition of any sort, please seek professional medical assistance. See our FAQ page for more. All our candles come from one manufacturer and therefore candles may burn similarly. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DENY SERVICE.

  • Witch's Knot (Nudo de Bruja) Work

    WE DO NOT CALL/UPDATE ON THE DAY OF APPOINTMENT. SERVICE MAY TAKE UP TO 4 WEEKS TO COMPLETE. PLEASE BE PATIENT. *Bookings made from April 22, 2024 to May 5, 2024 this candle WILL NOT include updates.* Witches Knot (Nudo de Brujas) Candle: Designed to spiritually aid those who have trouble sleeping due to sleep paralysis caused by dark entities / energies. After removing said magic, it works to protect and defend person from future dark magic. What we need: Please provide full name AND date of birth of the person service is intended for. Candles: This is a candle service. Candles used will depend on candle availability. copyallycat adds special secret oil mixtures to each candle in order to enhance effectiveness. Process: 1. Place order and wait for confirmation email. We start processing order. 2. We print your order and add your details to our candle(s). 3. Allow days for candle(s) to burn (times differ for every candle). 4. Candle is interpreted and update is sent to you * UPDATES ARE SENT AFTER CUSTOMERS BEFORE YOU RECEIVE THEIRS * Communication: Make sure to use a reliable email at check out. We suggest becoming a site member for easier and smoother communication. If you have any questions, message us via the pink chat button found on the bottom right corner. Results: Some clients see results fairly quickly but for others it can take even months. Variables including the severity of the wearer's problems/obstacles and their belief in the service impact the results. Refunds: No refunds will be awarded unless your candle work is not possible due to my (copyallycat’s) fault. Disclaimer: Due to legal reasons, we must state our services are for entertainment purposes. You are paying for a digital document (in this case pictures) which will be sent to your email. copyallycat is not responsible for any actions taken by clients. Services are not meant to be taken as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please seek a legal advisor. If you are experiencing a medical or health condition of any sort, please seek professional medical assistance. See our FAQ page for more. All our candles come from one manufacturer and therefore candles may burn similarly. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO DENY SERVICE.

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Blog Posts (26)

  • June 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Goodbye May, hello June! Let's see what this amazing month has in store for you! Here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for June 2024! Aries: Aries welcome to June aka your month when it comes to finances and receiving unconditional love from all places. For you, June is going to be one of your luckiest month of the year! Expect your progress to be rewarded by your employer / by your agency! Luck is on your side so take advantage of it and play the lottery. You never know. You might just win a good chunk of money. Recommendation: Protection Spray Taurus: I see many victories and lots of traveling happening during this month of June. Do remember to take a small break every now and then. Doing so will help renew your energies with mother nature! Any pending paperwork (such as immigration papers) will finally have a resolution before the month ends. I also see new romance heading your way! And this one may be the one who asks for matrimony. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray Gemini: Lucky Gemini! I see you will be rich in terms of opportunities roaming around you all throughout June. And trust me, one of those opportunities will lead to a brighter future. June is also the month for you to take better care of your health and show no fear towards the universe. The world is your oyster and lots of trips are awaiting. If you have any pending projects, you may want to wrap them up this month. Remember to always keep your head up! Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Cancer: Saint Michael will be accompanying all Cancers during the month of June. He will also be lighting up your roads so you never feel alone. I see lots of contracts and collaborations waiting to happen. Make sure to read everything carefully and to proofread everything. Taking those extra precautions steps will bring you more income and luck! Recommendation: Academic Spray Leo: Get ready Leo because during this month of June I see your intuition and psychic abilities awakening. This occurrence will help improve your life. If you are having any doubts about your income, just stop. There is no need to stress about it because at the end of the day you are guaranteed money for your work. Do be careful with negative energies around you. I suggest you get a spiritual cleanse during this month. Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Virgo: Virgo, the wheel of fortune is spinning as we speak. For you, June is your chance to become a team player. But keep in mind that getting a long with others does not mean holding things in. Make sure to stand your ground when necessary. During the month of June you are destined to dictate and ultimately overcome your enemies. Oh and be on the lookout as those around you who doubted you will soon be experiencing the karma they built up. Recommendation: copyallycat Original Money Soap Libra: Libra … the hierophant has a message for you. You need to slow down! I can see that you recently rushed to things that are simply not meant for you. And you tend to do this quite often so you need to stop. Take things a little bit slower and watch how everything will go smoother for you. Its not about who ends the race faster, its about who finished the best and about the effort put into it. Recommendation: Soothing Roller Spell Scorpio: Fertility and abundance awaits for you for the whole month of June. Spend more time with your children and watch how that will help you renew your energies. This will even benefit you at work. I see lots of celebration and collaborations. As always, be careful and actually get to know your potential business partner first before sharing your ideas. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood Celansing Oil Sagittarius: Stop procrastinating Sagittarius! Things can and will go your way if you start taking action rather than just thinking about taking action. You can have all the faith in the world, but if you’re not implementing those ideas, then how do you expect to reap what you sow? I see lots of money waiting for you by the end of the month. Just remember that you have to work hard for it. Recommendation: Harmony Troll Capricorn: Capricorn, those motherly instincts will keep calling you this month. But don’t worry too much about it as it will help better express your emotions. And believe me, those around you (Family, friends, lover) will be thankful to see you more expressive. Many blessings will come to you this month if you are sincere with your emotions Recommendation: Love Roller Aquarius: My dear Aquarius … you keep doing what you do and thrive in your own way. Remember, people will talk ill about you regardless of what you do. And that’s okay. You let them talk.  Trust me, your work will be noticed soon enough. But be wary of all the negative energy surrounding you. Don’t let them get the best of you. Recommendation: Back Off Spray Pisces: Pisces, make sure to keep your head up as this month of June is all about dominance. If you are able to pinpoint the people who are messing with you, you will be able to teach them a valuable lesson. And trust me, they won’t want to mess with you again. This month is also a good time for you to start controlling your own feelings and start worrying about yourself instead of others. Recommendation: Seven Times Reversible Kit For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • May 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Hello May! Let's see what this amazing month has in store for you! Here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for May 2024! Aries: Welcome to the month of May aka the month when you will be taking time out of the day to pamper yourself. I know that you have been using your time and money to take care of those around you. But now it’s your time. Round up everything and focus on yourself. As a natural born leader, you need to understand that you need to come first. It’s almost like your motto! My only suggestion for you this month is to take care of your finances and try to save money. Doing so will allow you to have a prosperous June. Recommendation: Money Soap Taurus: Say ‘hello’ to your birthday month and to financial growth! Invest and invest as this is the perfect month for your financial growth. With your tremendous energy, you can overcome any financial obstacles. May is also the perfect month for you to buy a new vehicle or a new home. Just keep in mind that you also need to try and save money. Your desires will become your reality. I suggest you wear a little bit of more yellow since it is your lucky color. Recommendation: Siete Machos Soap Gemini: Ever since the first quarter of the year ended, you all have had the chance to go through transformations. And the month of May is the perfect month for you to feel tremendous energy and go too many places . Perhaps this is the month for you to move out, get promoted, climb up the social ladder, etc! I suggest you always keep in mind that as an air element you must implement those chaotic thoughts of yours. Recommendation: Soothing Spray Cancer: For you, the month of May signifies healing. It is time for you to withdraw from those things that are taking too much of your energy. Instead, take good care of your body. May is about focusing on your healing process and it is also the time to start thinking about ways to save money. Doing so, will allow you to make that big purchase you have been thinking about. It may become possible around June or July. Here’s my little suggestion for you. Remember that patience is key! Right now is not the time to spend money. Keep it and you will be able to spend it on even better things in June. Save, save and save! Recommendation: Good Eye Roller Leo: I hope you are ready for a big change in your future because I see you collaborating with your perfect match! You will be at a high peak this month so you your business plans (or relationship goals) will blossom. I see new finances and luck heading your way so congratulations my dear lion. I will suggest you add the color red to your wardrobe! Recommendation: Academic Spray Virgo: Get up! It is time for you to get out of your shell and explore the things around you a little bit more. You need to let your emotions come out because otherwise you are going to fall into a deeper depression. For you, May is all about spirituality. I suggest you take the chances life is giving you and go out. Travel with your four legs and you may even find yourself on the other side of the world! Your spirit guides will follow you no matter where you go so enjoy your adventures! Recommendation: Seven Quartz Soap Libra: Libra, I hate to tell you this but you need to be careful as the month of May can be a challenging one for you. But don't worry too much because at the end of the month you are going to succeeded despite the troubles you face. I suggest you take good care of yourself since this is the month where evil lurks constantly. Avoid publishing the positive things in your life on social media. Just try to protect yourself a lot more than usual. I sense your enemies coming to light, but at least you are now awake. Recommendation: Nudo de Bruja Perfume + Talisman Scorpio: My dear Scorpios, what is going on? Turn that frown upside down! I see you are worried but don't stress our too much! At the end of the month you will find yourself victorious (even those dealing with court cases). The things you desire to accomplish will soon become real by the end of the month. Here's my suggestion for this month. Let it out. It is totally okay to cry. At the end of the day you represent emotions and water so just go with the flow and watch how everything slowly unveil in your favor. Recommendation: Coyote Justice Soap Sagittarius: Keep your head up honey! You are going to find a balance one way or another. I know you experienced some stressful moments during the month of April, but don't worry. You are going to feel free soon. During the month of May, Archangel Michael will accompany you in your journey and he will be able to help you defeat all kinds of evil. I suggest you always keep him in mind. His fiery sword will defend you in any battle. Also, try to wear a little bit more of the color blue this month. This color can help you get approved for any documents or work related papers you have. Recommendation: Spiritual Spray Capricorn: Capricorns, during this month of may I feel like you will take a trip into the past as I see you potentially repeating an old cycle from last year. Please remember that in order for you to move forward with your life you cannot repeat your past mistakes. You need to learn and move on in order to feel true happiness. My suggestion for you this month is to spend more time with children. There are children around you who need you as a role model. Recommendation: Garden of Eden Roller Aquarius: My dear Aquarius. Make sure to get your projects lined up correctly because this is the month for you to demand more work. I also sense new forms of romance. You are a dominant horoscope so you are going to succeed in just about every aspect. You may lose a little bit of sleep but just know that it will be worth it because money is going to flow in at the end of the day. Here's my suggestion for you this month. Do not share your money this month as those who receive it may rob you out of your luck. Recommendation: Jalea Africana Pisces: It is your time to shine and become super rich! I sense positive roads ahead of you followed by lots of celebrations. I want to take a second to tell you "congratulations, you made it." I know you have suffered for a long period of time but now you are able to enjoy your life. My only suggestion for you is to remember that you are a water element. Make sure you are expressing your emotions to others. Recommendation: Deep Cleanse Spray For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

  • April 2024 Horoscope By copyallycat

    Hello April! While March gave us a lunar eclipse, April is gifting a lot of us with our first total solar eclipse since 2017! Curious to know what the amazing month of April has in store for you? If so, here are your monthly copyallycat Horoscope Readings for April 2024! Aries: Aries welcome to the month of April. This is the perfect time for you to settle down and find yourself a good person to be in a relationship with. I want you to have this in mind, new people will bring new ideas. Make sure to take this advice as this new ideas later be used on your own projects. Remember Aries you are a leader and when you take leadership, you will be guaranteed money. During April I see a lot of love, passion, sex and celebration all month long. So, when meeting new people, take your time to explore your options and go for what you like best. Recommendation: Miel de Amor Spiritual Kit Taurus: My dear Taurus, for you April is the month to restore that balance in life that you’ve lost as the year has progressed. Your feminine energy is all about motherly vibes and Mother Nature. So try to get more in touch with your feminine energy. You’ll thank me later. Keep in mind that it’s time to flip things around. April is the perfect month for you to show who is in charge when it comes to work, family and projects. Recommendation: copyallycat Victory Oil Gemini: Gemini , believe me when I tell you it’s time to let go of your desire and thirst for vengeance. April is your month to transform and let go of all those bad habits of yours (including going back to your ex)! Mercury retrograde is here to remind you that you will only suffer if you keep purposefully repeating the same mistakes. Don't just make plans. Act on them. And try to avoid stressing out too much. Remember, two heads are better than one. Get different opinions and help when it comes to your mental health. Recommendation: Luck And Prosperity Spray Cancer: Well lucky you! Pack your bags because this is the month to explore new sceneries. Allowing yourself to travel and see new sights will help you come up with new ideas. And I know you have some projects coming up that could definitely use some innovative ideas. Instead of following others, try to think outside the box and allow your own creativity guide you throughout this month. Trust me, experiencing new things are good for you. Recommendation: Sandalwood Protection Spray Leo: Leos, what's going on? It's time to get it together! For you, April is all about collaborating with others and allowing other horoscopes to guide you to the right path. Summer is around the corner and it will be the time to become powerful. But in order for you to shine bright you must start now. Your friends will be Aquarius, Gemini and/or Libra. Allow them to shift your energy to the sun so that you can recharge your energies. You'll soon realize you'll both be helping each other out. Recommendation: Back Off Spray Virgo: Money, money and even more money! Virgo, April is your month for guaranteed success. Let's just say this is the perfect time to focus on saving money ... and I mean SAVE! Later on in the year you will be able to invest that money that you saved and you will successfully turn in into something bigger. For those of you who have been practicing manifestation, your desires will slowly start being fulfilled. Recommendation: Gold & Silver (Money) Incense Libra: April will be such a good month for you when it comes to love. So much that you will wish your happiness and romance were eternal. I see lots of positive energies all month long which I know it’s something you’ve been waiting for. You Libras are the batteries of the horoscope. In other words, you give energy to other. And one way to help yourself is being feeling complete. So it’s time to let go of unnecessary habits and traits that no longer serves a purpose. Recommendation: Love Roller (Best-Seller) Scorpio: As you know, the first quarter of the year is officially over. Now that April is here, it is your time to shine bright. I see you having a lot of luck, more money and the correct guidance. Not everything in life is negative. I know that for you the year started a bit rough, so now you can fully enjoy the positive things heading your way. This includes positive things related to your relationships. Recommendation: Protection Handwritten Talisman Sagittarius: You have power and manifestation in the palm of your hands. What you desire will happen. You will get those projects you've been wanting for so long. Make sure to not make any sudden movements and don't fully establish those projects until min April. This is because the Mercury Retrograde could turn the positive into a negative. Let’s think smart and ahead of time with those projects. Doing so will get you the results you want. Recommendation: Abundance Talisman Capricorn: Get ready for a spiritual journey and collaborations during April. Next to you is a right friend / right partner who will take the time out of the day to guide/help you through your spiritual path. Remember, you are God‘s favorite horoscope because you represent 'new beginnings' and the 'new year'. I see lots of success and triumphs this month. Recommendation: Spiritual Roller Aquarius: It is time to take action and start working on improving your finances. Any pending debt will be taken care of this month and is also the time for you guys to hustle a lot more than usual. You guys are chaotic, but you guys are guaranteed money. Your search for power and big money is coming. Recommendation: Money Magnet Bath Set Pisces: Be careful of who you surround yourself with. Make sure to take extra precautions this month, since there could be robberies and/or financial losses. Mercury retrograde has occurred so you need to protect yourself a little bit more. Use your spiritual powers to help distinguish evil people in bad relationships. You will be tested this month by the power of the planets. Recommendation: Dragon's Blood (Protection) Oil For all our spells, we strongly advise performing a patch test on your skin with a small amount of product to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. Our products are never tested on animals. For candle works, we strongly advise reading full descriptions. If there are any blogs you want me to make or any questions you may have, feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to respond to you all. If not, I will see you next month for the April edition of copyallycat Horoscope Readings!

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